North Dakota Solar Incentives, Tax Credits & Rebates 2024

Josep Hramos
14 min readJan 12, 2024


Embarking on a solar-powered journey in North Dakota has never been more electrifying! With 2024 casting its rays upon us, the Peace Garden State illuminates the path forward with an array of solar incentives, tax credits, and rebates designed to kindle the transition towards a greener tomorrow. In the heartland of the U.S., where the prairies meet the sky, renewable energy sources are gaining momentum, ascending beyond conventional power paradigms. North Dakota’s commitment to renewable energy is not just a statement; it’s an actionable blueprint for sustainable living, bolstered by persuasive financial catalysts.

Harnessing the power of the sun in North Dakota connects residents to the sweeping global movement to mitigate climate change, answering environmental concerns with robust solutions. The state’s laws and regulations are fine-tuned to accelerate solar adoption, making it financially accessible and enticing. Through the strategic use of incentives such as the Renewable Energy Property Tax Exemption, North Dakota residents can revel in significant savings while contributing to the reduction of carbon footprints. Coupled with the state’s unique climate profile, exhibiting impressively sunny summers, the conditions are ripe for solar systems to operate at peak efficiency. As we delve into the specifics, prepare to be enlightened by how North Dakota’s solar incentives, tax credits, and rebates in 2024 can turn the dream of a cleaner, more sustainable energy future into a scintillating reality.

Get Solar Quote in North Dakota

Navigating the intricate maze of solar investment in the Peace Garden State necessitates a bespoke approach, tailored to the unique interplay of North Dakota’s climatic profile and its legislative backdrop. Initiating this voyage with a personalized solar quote isn’t just recommended, it’s vital. Why? Because North Dakota, with its wide temperature range and prairie expanse, presents a distinct solar equation where the intensity of sunlight and snow coverage steer output efficiency calculations. To secure a solar quote, homeowners and businesses must first collate their utility bills, dissecting usage trends to predict future energy needs. Following this, contacting accredited local solar installers becomes paramount; these professionals must be well-versed in state-specific incentives like the North Dakota Renewable Energy Program, which provides grants to assist in the initial outlay for solar panel installation.

The quest for solar compatibility doesn’t stop at roof size or sun exposure, as state laws governing net metering and the availability of solar renewable energy certificates (SRECs) pivot the profitability compass. Harnessing the data-crunching prowess of Solar Power Systems, a veritable library of solar installer reviews within North Dakota has been meticulously curated. This database offers a treasure trove of installer performance metrics, customer satisfaction levels, and warranty options. Cross-referencing these elements with geographical and utility-specific data has enabled Solar Power Systems to crystalize a decision-making matrix that lifts the veil on the solar potential for any given North Dakotan residence or enterprise. Factoring in the state’s burgeoning “Brightfields” initiative, which turns dormant spaces into solar goldmines, the solar quote process becomes a springboard for clean energy conversion, tailored to North Dakota’s unique solar landscape.

Overview of Solar Energy Landscape in North Dakota

North Dakota might not be the first state that pirouettes into one’s mind when contemplating solar energy, yet it’s a dark horse prancing in the renewable energy ballet. Despite its frigid winters, North Dakota boasts a surprisingly spry solar potential, mainly due to the fact that it basks in approximately 200 days of sun-kissed glory each year. Solar irradiance, a crucible for solar production, doesn’t play hide and seek here; it is robust across the vast, open plains — a shimmering stage set for solar panel arrays to perform. Recent changes in the state’s renewable portfolio standards have harmonized the legal landscape, enticing more homeowners to install solar panels. The state’s Renewable Energy Program, inclusive of solar rebates and incentives, fuels a burgeoning appetite for photovoltaic (PV) technology, seemingly plucking energy from the ethereal sunbeams. Regulatory measures such as net metering policies amplify this crescendo by allowing solar system owners to receive credits for the surplus energy they conduct back into the grid, ensuring that every quanta of sun-powered electricity is harnessed to its maximum potential. Thus, North Dakota, with its wide-open spaces and sun-rich demeanor, pirouettes ever so gracefully towards a brighter, solar-fueled future.

Types of Solar Incentives in North Dakota

Plunging into the brisk and often overlooked North Dakota solar landscape, the flickering shimmer of available solar incentives is a beacon for residents and businesses alike. North Dakota, with its continental climate and generous annual sunshine, establishes a fertile ground for solar adoption. Key to this transition is leveraging the medley of solar incentives which include tax credits, rebates, and grants. The Renewable Energy Property Tax Exemption is a standout, shielding property owners from being taxed extra for the increased value their solar system brings to their property. Concurrently, the state’s personal tax credit mitigates the financial burden by allowing a deduction of 15% of the cost of a solar panel system from state income taxes. This sweetens the pot significantly when paired with the federal solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which slices off a hefty 26% of the system cost — but, mark your calendars, as this percentage is set to decrease at the stroke of 2023!

On a broader canvas, North Dakota’s embrace of net metering regulations ensures that excess electricity generated by hearty solar panels doesn’t go to waste; instead, it injects back into the grid, earning credits that can reduce future electric bills. However, the state’s stark absence of statewide solar rebates beckons for a surge of policy evolution to catch the robust solar wave already cascading over states such as California or New York. Thus, while incentives sparkle in the Peace Garden State, there rests a waiting potential for a kaleidoscope of innovative, solar-centric initiatives, tethered to the advancement of technology and policy in this rapidly shifting energy paradigm.

Benefits of Solar Panels in North Dakota

Harnessing the solar potential in North Dakota unlocks a maelstrom of environmental advantages dovetailed with economic boons for both the homesteader and the local economy. Operating amidst the green prairie expanses, solar panels are your personal sentries against carbon emissions, silently crusading for a cleaner atmosphere. Whilst the state isn’t the sunniest, its cold yet sunny days are a hidden gem for solar efficiency — panels perform optimally in cooler temperatures, making North Dakota’s climate a clandestine ally in the renewable energy realm.

Delving into the economic mosaic, homeowners bask in the glow of plummeting utility bills as solar systems intercept energy expenditures with the finesse of a seasoned fiscal agent. In addition, with local incentives and tax breaks — such as North Dakota’s Renewable Energy Property Tax Exemption — property owners find themselves enmeshed in a web of savings, fortifying their financial resilience. Beyond the personal purse, photovoltaic installations are local economy catalysts; they germinate job opportunities in installation, maintenance, and technology innovation sectors.

Contemplating potential energy savings, it’s a dazzling solar fiesta — a dance of digits showing homeowners saving thousands over the lifespan of their systems. Moreover, with the North Dakota net metering program, excess energy can be a monetary windfall as it flows back into the grid, spinning meters backwards. All combined, the state’s nascent but potent solar market is a burgeoning encounter between clean energy and savvy economic strategy.

Federal Solar Tax Credit (ITC)

Amid the windswept plains of North Dakota, where the solar potential is untapped yet promising, the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) emerges as a beacon of economic reprieve for those transitioning to clean energy. For North Dakota residents, the ITC slashes solar installation costs by allowing homeowners and businesses to deduct a significant percentage of their solar system costs from their federal taxes. As of the latest updates heading into 2024, the ITC endows solar adopters with a robust 26% deduction — an incentive ripe for harvesting, considering North Dakota’s decent average of sunny days. This particular percentage holds steady, although it was initially scheduled for a step-down, thanks to policy renewals keenly focused on bolstering renewable energy investments. Homeowners can leverage this credit against the upfront capital expenditure on photovoltaic panels, solar-powered water heaters, and other solar-centric integrations that comply with the state’s rigorous energy standards codified by the North Dakota Public Service Commission. Combined with net metering policies and local incentives such as property tax exemptions for solar installations, the ITC operates as a linchpin in North Dakota’s solar expansion narrative, making an undeniable economic case for both residential and commercial entities looking skyward for energy solutions.

Net Metering and Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs)

Digging into the sun-soaked specifics of North Dakota’s solar landscape, one illuminates the glowing advantages of net metering policies for solar panel proprietors. Here, the energy equation tilts in favor of those embracing photovoltaic proliferation, as net metering in North Dakota allows residential and business customers generating solar electricity to sell excess energy back to the grid. This quid pro quo of electrons ensures that solar investment pulses with financial vitality — customers zestfully watch as their meters spin backwards, effectively reducing their utility bills and accelerating the return on their solar investments.

Meanwhile, Solar Renewable Energy Certificates, or SRECs, are less of a flourishing phenomenon in North Dakota. Unlike states with robust SREC markets, North Dakota does not have a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) that mandates a certain percentage of energy from renewable sources, which typically drives the demand for SRECs. However, this doesn’t eclipse the potential value of SRECs. Sprouting from one megawatt-hour of solar energy generation, SRECs can still germinate a supplemental income stream for solar adopters, albeit currently through voluntary buyers or in out-of-state markets where the RPS gardens await the yield of North Dakota’s solar harvest. Thus, while SRECs in the state are in an embryonic stage, their future could pivot on shifts in energy policies, market demand, and cross-border currents nurturing the green energy economy.

State Solar Tax Credits and Rebates

North Dakota, a tableau of untamed beauty and rigorous climates, presents both challenges and stellar opportunities for the solar-curious resident. In the ever-shifting landscape of solar incentives, it’s vital to bask in the radiant glow of North Dakota’s particular solar benefits. Surprisingly, the state does not have a statewide solar tax credit, which diverges from the sunnier incentives found in other states. However, not all is void of light in the Peace Garden State — residents can capitalize on the federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which allows for a deduction of 26% from federal taxes for solar PV systems installed through 2022, with a step down to 22% in 2023.

Local energy providers often shine where state-level incentives may flicker. Enterprising homeowners may find rebate programs through specific utility companies, designed to fuel interest in solar adoption. For example, Cass County Electric Cooperative’s incentivizing rays extend a rebate program for residential solar systems, rewarding with a glittering sum of $750, nestling into the financial consideration of potential solar converts. Meanwhile, the zephyr of North Dakota’s rules permits net metering for systems up to 100 kW, allowing for solar surplus to swirl through the grid, crediting owners and diminishing the financial impact of initial installation costs.

Eclipsing these benefits is North Dakota’s Property Tax Exemption for solar panel installations, ensuring that the increase in property value post-solar installation won’t be clouded by an immediate hike in property taxes. This financial incentive encapsulates the sunlight-drenched potential for North Dakota residents to seamlessly transition to solar energy, a beacon of both economic and environmental promise.

Financing Options and Solar Loans

Navigating the fiscal labyrinths of solar investments in the Northern Plains, specifically North Dakota, unveils a variety of exhilarating financing options that cater to the bespoke needs of those yearning to harness the sun’s power. In this landscape characterized by frigid winters and ample sunshine, residents can exploit the North Dakota Renewable Energy Program, which offers loan opportunities to those embracing renewable energy projects, including solar panels. This pecuniary support spotlights lower-than-market interest rates, propelling the accessibility of solar technology to a broader demographic.

Furthermore, North Dakota’s climate, oscillating between arctic chills and sun-drenched summers, has fueled a surge in the popularity of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), where individuals can engage with solar without the upfront costs typically associated with purchasing systems outright. With PPAs, homeowners simply purchase the power generated, while another entity shoulders installation and maintenance.

The local pecuniary ecosystem is also vibrant with traditional solar loans, which are increasingly competitive due to the escalating demand for clean, renewable energy. Incentivized by potential savings on utility bills and the possibility of capitalizing on Federal Investment Tax Credits (ITC), the financial rigor of embracing solar in North Dakota is softened, enabling an economically feasible transition towards a greener and more sustainable energy portfolio. Thus, with a concoction of state-sponsored programs and market-driven financial instruments, North Dakota emerges as a fertile ground for solar ventures, thrusting the state into the forefront of the renewable energy revolution.

Additional Incentives and Local Programs

Venturing into the energized realm of solar incentives in North Dakota, savvy solar aficionados and eco-minded residents are tapping into an array of hyperlocal offerings that orbit beyond federal tax credits, making solar installations more accessible than a luminous sky on a prairie evening. Across the Peace Garden State, municipal enticements are sprouting up, tailored to individual cities and counties, designed to propel the adoption of sustainable solar solutions. In the vanguard, cities like Fargo are harnessing the power of localized rebates, waiving certain permitting fees and offering expedited processing to streamline the leap to solar.

Simultaneously, a novel movement has taken root — community solar gardens are blossoming, allowing individuals who may be shaded out by apartment living or inhospitable roofing a chance to invest in off-site solar arrays, embracing the collective glow of shared energy production. In some localities, group-buying discounts have consumers banding together in electric camaraderie, leveraging collective bargaining to negotiate steeper discounts, slicing costs like a blade through the northern winds. The incentive ecosystem in North Dakota, though nascent, is as dynamic as the state’s weather patterns, promising an ever-expanding horizon for those ready to soak up the sun’s financial and ecological bounties.

Eligibility Criteria and How to Apply

As the sun casts its generous rays upon North Dakota, residents can harness this astral bounty through solar incentives pulsing with potential savings and energy efficiencies. To be eligible for the solar eclipse of savings, your abode must meet specific criteria, including structural integrity capable of supporting solar panels and an electrical system ripe for interconnection with solar technology. Furthermore, North Dakota’s net metering policy enables solar system owners to receive credits for the surplus energy they pump back into the grid, although this is contingent upon your utility company’s participation and could vary based on their policies.

For the intrepid solar seeker, North Dakota also offers a Property Tax Exemption for solar panel installations, letting you improve your home without bumping up your property taxes for five solid years. It’s as if the tax man himself is giving a nod to your eco-friendly upgrade.

Now, to lasso the sun, one must navigate the solar incentive application process — a journey that begins with an energy audit from a certified solar installer who will confirm eligibility and optimize your solar design. Step two, engage in electrifying paperwork with your utility company to ensure that net metering is on your horizon. Following this, you’ll file for local and state solar incentives, including the property tax exemption, by submitting the required documents, often found on state energy websites or through your installer’s guidance. Lastly, make sure your application coincides with the sapphire skies of North Dakota’s incentive deadlines, securing your place in the solar constellation, and setting the stage for a future awash in renewable radiance.

Case Studies or Success Stories

North Dakota, with its wide-open spaces and significant solar potential, has seen a sun-splashed surge in the adoption of photovoltaic systems, thanks largely to a potent mix of local incentives and federal tax credits. Take for instance the story of Bismarck’s Burleigh County Solar Project, which, in harnessing the state’s Renewable Energy Program, transformed a sprawling acreage into a beacon of sustainability; its success story illuminated further by the advantageous uptake of a 26% federal investment tax credit, significantly offsetting installation costs. Not to be outshone, in Fargo, a local retail corporation amplified its green credentials by committing to renewable energy, dipping into the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE) to maximize returns on environmentally and economically astute investments. The halo effect of these solar incentives is manifest — a boost in local clean energy jobs, a dip in carbon footprints, and a notable reduction in electric bills. Homegrown success narratives like these are pivotal — they serve as lighthouses to solar aspirants wading through the complexity of state laws, regulatory frameworks, and the notoriously fickle North Dakota climate, where sunny summer days can give way to less irradiant winter months, showcasing resilience and adaptiveness in renewable energy applications.


Embarking on a solar-powered odyssey in North Dakota has never been more alluring as 2024 heralds a shimmering constellation of incentives, tax credits, and rebates, designed to propel the population towards a luminous future of renewable energy. Within this fertile frontier of sustainability, the state unfurls a tapestry woven with enticing financial beckonments such as remarkable tax exemptions, including the Sales Tax Exemption on Solar Equipment, and the Property Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy Systems, ensuring the irradiance from your solar panels warms your home without escalating taxes. The Renewable Energy Program supplements this by potentially offering grants to those questing for green energy solutions. As if tailored by Helios himself, North Dakota’s solar incentives tastefully complement the Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit, underscoring up to a radiant 26% deduction in installation costs. The embrace of solar energy in the Roughrider State, characterized by its broad, sun-kissed prairies, is an investment magnified by longer daylight hours during summer months, transmuting natural resources into your personal economic advantage. I implore sun-seekers and fiscal sages alike to harness this opportune moment — capture the pure essence of the sun and weave its golden threads into the fabric of your energy independence and financial foresight with free solar panels. Let us illuminate the path towards a brilliant and cost-effective solar strategy; explore these celestial offerings in North Dakota and engage with the elemental power that dances across our vast skies.

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List of References

  1. «Solar Energy As Investment: 12 Pros and Cons Of Solar Energy». Site: «Solar Power System»
  2. «Solar tracker, what is it?». Site: «Solar Power System»
  3. «Best Solar Panels and Kits for RV». Site: «Solar Power System»



Josep Hramos

As an article writer, I strive to craft impactful content that informs, inspires, and engages readers. Writing is my passion and purpose.