Yes! Acueos is Deployed to EOS Mainnet

3 min readOct 9, 2019

After extensive validation over the last months I am thrilled to announce Acueos’ launch to the EOS mainnet! To recap, Acueos is the decentralized money market protocol for the EOS blockchain, based on Compound Finance’s, with algorithmically set interest rates determined by supply and demand.

Additional details, including how developers can programmatically interact with the Acueos protocol, are in this article.

To begin lending and/or borrowing crypto assets please visit, ensure you have Scatter installed, and follow the steps below.

To Supply/Lend

1. Press the “START USING ACUEOS” button:

2. After installing Scatter, press the “Login” button at the top right of the screen:

3. This will result in Scatter prompting you about the “cptbalances” action. Press Scatter’s “Allow” button which will allow the smart contract to compute the current balances.

4. Press one of the asset rows. For example, press the EOS row:

5. Supply EOS by pressing the green “MAX” button or entering the amount to supply:

6. Press the “SUPPLY” button and this will result in Scatter prompting you to accept the “transfer” action. Press Scatter’s “Allow” button which will send the asset amount from your account to the Acueos smart contract (i.e., moneymarket1).

7. You can verify the status of the transaction by selecting the most recent transaction:

At this point you have successfully supplied into Acueos and now have the option of borrowing. To borrow follow the steps below.

To Borrow

1. From the main web app page select the asset you want to borrow (it can not be the one you have already supplied into Acueos). For example, to borrow CUSD, press the CUSD row:

2. Borrow by pressing the blue “MAX” button or entering the amount to supply:

3. Press the “BORROW” button and this will result in Scatter prompting you to accept the “borrow” action. Press Scatter’s “Allow” button which will result in your account receiving the asset amount from the Acueos smart contract.

4. You can verify the status of the transaction by selecting the most recent transaction:

At this point you have successfully borrowed from Acueos, using what you supplied as the collateral.


If you have any questions, want to share ideas and/or provide feedback about Acueos, you can do so on Telegram by joining here

