全新推出 Launch of SoundClub 1.0 by SoundOn

Joseph Phua
2 min readFeb 9, 2021


全新SoundClub by SoundOn: 雙平台聲音社交平台。Launch of SoundClub V1.0 by SoundOn: All New Audio Social Network for iOS and Android

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大概在兩週前Turn Capital宣佈了和Kollective Ventures收購SoundOn,台灣最大的Podcast平台。

在短短的10天內,SoundOn的團隊推出了全新的SoundClub by SoundOn平台











到 Android 或者 iOS app store 搜尋 SoundOn / SoundClub





SoundClub: The Dual Platform Audio Social Network

Two weeks ago, Turn Capital and Kollective Ventures acquired SoundOn, Taiwan’s largest podcast platform.

In just a short 10 days later, SoundOn launches SoundClub by SoundOn

What is SoundClub?

I’m sure everyone’s heard of Clubhouse by now, so I won’t spend time introducing it. SoundClub is built on the foundation that Clubhouse was designed for, and SoundClub’s team added to that foundation by quickly rolling out both Android and iOS versions. In addition, SoundClub aims to break the barriers currently seen on Clubhouse, where there is little to no interaction between the audience and the moderators. What’s a conversation if there’s no interaction between the mass and the moderators?

How will SoundClub Differentiate?


As mentioned, we will break the barrier of communication between audience and moderators. We will implement interactivity functions between the two, and will roll out these interactive functions soon.

Monetization and Sponsorships

Creating content is expensive and time consuming. We know. We will focus our efforts on helping content creators monetize, and allowing the audience access to quality content through paid channels. Some monetization strategies include subscriptions and ticketing. These will be rolled out soon.

Dual Platform Focus. Multi-Lingual. A Platform for EVERYONE

Community does not only use iOS. We know this. SoundClub decided to dedicate resources to build a platform focused on both iOS AND Android users, even though this took up more resources and time. In addition, while SoundClub’s first version is in Traditional Chinese, we will roll out a version supporting more languages in the next few days, to ensure we can support more markets. A platform like this should not only be focused on English. It should be built and localized for the needs of all markets.

How do I download SoundClub?

Check us out on Android and iOS app stores, search for SoundClub SoundOn. Or click on the links below



Do I need an invite to get into SoundClub

Yes you do.



Joseph Phua

Chairman, Turn Capital / 17LIVE / SoundOn | Founder, Next Apple