Apostille Service Indonesia

Joseph Eckard
11 min readOct 28, 2023


apostille service indonesia

In a world where global transactions and cross-border activities are becoming increasingly prevalent, the apostille service in Indonesia stands as a vital facilitator of international document authentication.

As a member of the Hague Convention, Indonesia ensures that its apostilles adhere to standardized procedures, making them recognized and valid in all other member countries.

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the apostille service in Indonesia, highlighting its benefits, the process of obtaining an apostille, and the convenience it offers to individuals and organizations seeking international document authentication.

Why Choose Apostille Service Indonesia

When it comes to choosing an apostille service in Indonesia, there are two main reasons why it is a favorable option.

Firstly, the process is fast and efficient, allowing individuals to obtain their apostille in just a few days.

Secondly, apostilles issued in Indonesia are recognized in all other member countries of the Hague Convention, ensuring reliability and validity for international use.

Fast and Efficient Process

The apostille service provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Indonesia offers a streamlined and expeditious process for obtaining the necessary certification. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has designated authorized agents throughout Indonesia who can process apostille applications, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

This fast and efficient process saves applicants time and effort, allowing them to quickly obtain the required apostille for their documents. By utilizing the authorized agents, applicants can conveniently submit their documents and complete the application within a few days.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs ensures the reliability and validity of the issued apostilles, giving applicants confidence that their documents will be recognized in other Hague Convention member countries.

Recognized in Member Countries

Apostille services in Indonesia are chosen for their recognition in all member countries of the Hague Convention. The Apostille Convention, established in 1961, provides a standardized procedure for legalizing public documents for international use.

Indonesia, as a member of the Convention, issues apostilles for various public documents, including birth certificates, marriage certificates, and educational diplomas. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Indonesia is responsible for providing the apostille service, with authorized agents throughout the country to process applications.

This service offers convenience, reliability, and affordability to individuals seeking to use their public documents in other Hague Convention member countries. By obtaining an apostille in Indonesia, individuals can ensure that their documents are valid and will be recognized internationally.

Document Authentication Process

document authentication

When applying for an apostille in Indonesia, there are several important points to consider.

First, you will need to gather the required application documents, which include the original public document, a copy of your identification, a completed application form, and the apostille fee.

Additionally, it is essential to be aware of the processing time frame and the locations of authorized agents where you can submit your application.

Required Application Documents

During the document authentication process for obtaining an apostille in Indonesia, the applicant is required to submit specific application documents. These documents are necessary to ensure the validity and legality of the apostille.

The required application documents include:

  • The original public document that needs to be apostilled.
  • A copy of the applicant’s passport or other form of identification.
  • A completed apostille application form.
  • The apostille fee.

These application documents must be submitted to an authorized agent designated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Indonesia. The authorized agent will then process the application and submit it to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for further authentication.

Once the apostille has been issued, the applicant can collect it from the authorized agent. It is important to ensure that all the required application documents are accurately completed and submitted to expedite the apostille process.

Processing Time Frame

The processing time frame for the document authentication process in Indonesia can vary depending on the specific requirements and workload of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Generally, the apostille service in Indonesia is known for its reliability and efficiency. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has designated authorized agents throughout the country to process apostille applications, which helps streamline the process.

While the exact processing time may differ from case to case, it typically takes a few days for the application to be completed. This quick turnaround time ensures that individuals and businesses can obtain the necessary apostilles in a timely manner.

Additionally, the affordability of the apostille service in Indonesia makes it accessible to a wide range of individuals and organizations.

Authorized Agent Locations

The availability of authorized agent locations is crucial for the efficient document authentication process in Indonesia. These authorized agents play a vital role in assisting individuals and organizations in obtaining apostilles for their public documents.

Here are four key points about authorized agent locations in Indonesia:

  • Wide Coverage: Authorized agent locations are spread across various regions in Indonesia, ensuring accessibility for individuals residing in different areas.
  • Expert Assistance: Authorized agents are well-trained professionals who possess the knowledge and expertise to guide applicants through the apostille application process.
  • Time-saving Convenience: Having authorized agent locations in different regions eliminates the need for individuals to travel long distances to submit their documents, saving time and effort.
  • Reliable Service: Authorized agents are appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, guaranteeing the validity and recognition of the apostilles they issue.

Types of Documents We Authenticate

When utilizing our apostille service in Indonesia, we are able to authenticate a wide range of public documents. These include:

  • Birth certificates
  • Marriage certificates
  • Death certificates
  • Educational diplomas
  • Commercial invoices

Our team of authorized agents is well-versed in the process of apostille authentication for these types of documents. We ensure that they are valid and recognized in other Hague Convention member countries.

Birth Certificates

An apostille service in Indonesia provides authentication for various types of public documents, including birth certificates. Birth certificates are important documents that provide proof of a person’s identity and are often required for a variety of purposes, such as obtaining a passport, enrolling in school, or applying for citizenship.

When obtaining an apostille for a birth certificate in Indonesia, there are a few key points to keep in mind:

  • The birth certificate must be an original document.
  • A copy of your passport or other form of identification is required.
  • You will need to complete an apostille application form.
  • There is a fee associated with obtaining an apostille.

Marriage Certificates

Marriage certificates are among the types of documents that are authenticated through the apostille service in Indonesia. An apostille is a certification that verifies the signature and seal of a public official on a public document.

To obtain an apostille for a marriage certificate, you will need to submit the original public document to an authorized agent, along with a copy of your identification and a completed apostille application form. The authorized agent will then process your application and submit it to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for authentication.

Once the apostille has been issued, you can collect it from the authorized agent. The apostille service in Indonesia ensures that your marriage certificate will be recognized and accepted in other Hague Convention member countries.

Death Certificates

Death certificates are an important type of document that is authenticated through the apostille service in Indonesia. When obtaining an apostille for a death certificate, there are a few key points to keep in mind:

  • The death certificate must be an original document issued by the appropriate governmental authority.
  • The apostille is applied to the death certificate to verify its authenticity and ensure its acceptance in other Hague Convention member countries.
  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for providing the apostille service in Indonesia.
  • Authorized agents designated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can assist in processing the apostille application for a death certificate.

Educational Diplomas

When it comes to the apostille service in Indonesia, another important type of document that is authenticated is educational diplomas.

An educational diploma is a document that certifies the completion of a specific educational program or degree. It is an important document for individuals who wish to pursue further education or seek employment opportunities abroad.

The apostille service in Indonesia ensures that educational diplomas issued by Indonesian educational institutions are recognized and accepted in other Hague Convention member countries. By obtaining an apostille for their educational diplomas, individuals can provide proof of their educational qualifications in a standardized and internationally recognized format.

This streamlines the process of verifying educational credentials and facilitates smoother transitions for individuals seeking educational or employment opportunities in foreign countries.

Commercial Invoices

Another important type of document that is authenticated through the apostille service in Indonesia is commercial invoices. Commercial invoices are crucial documents in international trade that provide a detailed account of goods or services sold, including their description, quantity, price, and terms of sale. When these invoices are issued in Indonesia and need to be used in other Hague Convention member countries, they require an apostille certification to ensure their authenticity and validity.

To emphasize the significance of commercial invoices in international trade and the need for apostille certification, here are four key points:

  • Commercial invoices serve as proof of the transaction between the buyer and seller.
  • They are essential for customs clearance and verification of the value of goods.
  • Apostille certification on commercial invoices enhances their acceptance and recognition in foreign countries.
  • The apostille service in Indonesia provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ensures the credibility and validity of commercial invoices for international use.

Public Documents

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Indonesia offers an apostille service to authenticate a variety of public documents for international use. The apostille service in Indonesia covers a wide range of public documents, including birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, educational diplomas, and commercial invoices.

These documents can be apostilled to ensure their validity and recognition in other Hague Convention member countries. The process of obtaining an apostille for public documents is relatively straightforward and can be completed within a few days. Authorized agents designated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs handle the application process and facilitate the issuance of the apostille.

Indonesian Certificates

Indonesia’s apostille service extends to the authentication of various types of Indonesian certificates, ensuring their validity and recognition in international settings. Indonesian certificates that can be authenticated through the apostille service include birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, and educational diplomas.

The apostille process for these certificates involves verifying the signature and seal of the issuing authority to ensure their authenticity. By obtaining an apostille for these certificates, individuals can use them in other Hague Convention member countries without the need for additional legalization or authentication procedures. This provides a convenient and reliable way to use Indonesian certificates abroad.

To obtain an apostille for an Indonesian certificate, individuals need to submit the original document, a copy of their identification, a completed apostille application form, and the required fee to an authorized agent designated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Benefits of Using Our Service

Using our apostille service in Indonesia offers numerous benefits.

Firstly, our service ensures a speedy processing time, allowing you to obtain your apostille in just a few days.

Additionally, the apostille issued by our authorized agents is recognized in all Hague Convention member countries, providing you with the assurance that your documents will be valid and accepted internationally.

Speed of Processing

With our apostille service in Indonesia, you can expect efficient processing times for your documents. We understand that time is of the essence when it comes to legalizing your public documents for international use. That’s why we strive to expedite the process and provide you with the fastest service possible.

Here are the benefits of using our apostille service:

  • Expedited Processing: We prioritize your application and work diligently to ensure that your apostille is processed as quickly as possible.
  • Streamlined Procedure: Our experienced team is well-versed in the apostille application process, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience for you.
  • Reliable Results: We are authorized agents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, guaranteeing the validity and recognition of your apostille in all Hague Convention member countries.
  • Transparent Pricing: Our apostille fee is affordable, and we provide clear and upfront pricing information so that you can have full control over your expenses.

To obtain an apostille in Indonesia, simply submit your original public document, a copy of your passport or identification, a completed application form, and the apostille fee to our authorized agents. We will handle the rest, ensuring a speedy and reliable process for you.

Recognition in All Countries

Our apostille service ensures that your documents will be recognized in all countries that are members of the Hague Convention. The Apostille Convention, which is now used by over 120 countries worldwide, has established a standardized procedure for legalizing public documents, making it much easier to use them in foreign countries. This means that an apostille issued in one Hague Convention member country will be recognized in all other member countries. To give you a better understanding, here is a table showcasing some of the countries that recognize apostilles:

  • United States — Yes
  • United Kingdom — Yes
  • Australia — Yes
  • Germany — Yes
  • Japan — Yes

Contact Us for Apostille Certification

If you require apostille certification in Indonesia, please contact our authorized agents for assistance. Our agents are trained and experienced in handling apostille applications and can guide you through the process. They will provide you with all the necessary information and documents needed for the application.

By contacting our authorized agents, you can ensure that your apostille certification is processed efficiently and accurately.

  • Our authorized agents are knowledgeable about the apostille requirements and procedures in Indonesia.
  • They have access to the necessary resources and contacts within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Our agents can answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding the apostille certification process.
  • They will assist you in completing the required application forms and gathering the necessary supporting documents.

Contacting our authorized agents will help streamline the apostille certification process and ensure that your documents are properly authenticated for international use.

Apostilleindo — Apostille Service in Indonesia


Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take to Process an Apostille Application in Indonesia?

The processing time for an apostille application in Indonesia varies, but it typically takes a few days. The application process is relatively straightforward, and authorized agents can assist in submitting the required documents to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for processing.

Can I Apply for an Apostille Online or Do I Need to Visit an Authorized Agent in Person?

Yes, you can apply for an apostille online in Indonesia. However, it is also possible to visit an authorized agent in person to submit your application. Both options are available for your convenience.

What Is the Cost of an Apostille in Indonesia?

The cost of an apostille in Indonesia varies depending on the type of document and the authorized agent you choose. It is recommended to contact an authorized agent directly for specific pricing information.

Are There Any Specific Requirements for the Public Documents That Can Be Apostilled in Indonesia?

Yes, there are specific requirements for the public documents that can be apostilled in Indonesia. These include birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, educational diplomas, and commercial invoices, among others.

Can I Use an Apostille Issued in Indonesia in Countries That Are Not Members of the Hague Convention?

No, an apostille issued in Indonesia is only recognized and valid in countries that are members of the Hague Convention. It cannot be used in countries that are not part of the Convention.



Joseph Eckard

Adventure-seeking traveler and writer with a passion for sharing his experiences with the world.