The New Star Wars Movie’s Are Always Gonna be Disappointing

Joseph Gitau
7 min readJul 4, 2018

As time goes on the disappointment continues to grow in the Star Wars franchise. Solo, the latest release is a continuation of this trend.

It’s disappointing a lot of people. It’s obvious that Star Wars is going to continue to be disappointing.

There are a four main reasons why.

1. The initial EP4–6 release through a quirk in release timing and through sheer dumb luck ended up being *GOOD* and being the Golden Media Property property for an entire generation of people.

  • We in hindsight and thanks to the prequels know that the E4–6 were good in spite of George Lucas. He was restrained by his lack of success and the excellence of his collaborators. That was lucky. It was good in spite of Lucas.
  • A golden movie/book/media property is a something that may or may not be good, that may or may not be popular, but for some reason it catches you in the right place and right time and it becomes a significant part of your life. It reshapes your personality. It guides you through bad times. It becomes a vehicle for self expression. It becomes a crucial part of your identity. It becomes Golden.

