30 Mindsets That Can Change Your Life: A Practical Guide to Implementing Positive Change. (Part 1 of 3)

Joseph Hass
4 min readApr 11, 2023


Colourful smily face drawn on the ground in the street.
Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash

Our mindsets shape the way we perceive and interact with the world around us.

By adopting positive mindsets and implementing practical strategies to put them into action, we can transform our lives in profound ways.

In the next 3 articles, together we will explore 30 mindsets that can change your life, and provide practical ways to implement them one at a time for effective results.

In this first article, I will share with you the first 10 mindsets. Are you ready? Let’s get into it.

  1. If It Frightens You, Do It: This mindset encourages taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone. A practical way to implement this in your life is to regularly challenge yourself to do something that scares you, whether it be public speaking, trying a new activity, or initiating a difficult conversation.
  2. Don’t Settle: Every Time You Settle, You Get Exactly What You Settled For: This mindset emphasises the importance of striving for what you truly want in life.
    A practical way to implement this in your life is to regularly reassess your goals and take action to pursue them, whether it be through setting a plan or taking small steps towards your vision.
  3. Put Yourself First: This mindset encourages prioritising your own needs and well-being.
    A practical way to implement this in your life is to regularly assess your own needs and set boundaries, such as scheduling time for self-care or saying no to obligations that don’t align with your values.
  4. No Matter What Happens, You Will Handle It: This mindset cultivates a sense of resilience and trust in your ability to navigate life’s challenges. A practical way to implement this in your life is to practice mindfulness and self-compassion and to regularly remind yourself of past experiences where you successfully handled difficult situations.
  5. Whatever You Do, Do It 100%: This mindset emphasises the importance of giving your all in everything you do.
    A practical way to implement this in your life is to regularly set intentions and goals for each task and to cultivate a sense of presence and focus in the moment.
  6. If You Do What You Have Always Done, You Will Get What You Have Always Got: This mindset encourages seeking new experiences and taking a proactive approach to creating change in your life.
    A practical way to implement this in your life is to regularly reflect on your habits and behaviours and to take action to try new things or break out of your routine.
  7. You Are the Only Person on This Planet Responsible for Your Needs, Wants, and Happiness: This mindset emphasises the importance of taking ownership of your own life and happiness.
    A practical way to implement this in your life is to regularly assess your own needs and take action to fulfil them, whether it be through self-care or seeking support from others.
  8. Ask for What You Want: This mindset encourages advocating for yourself and your needs.
    A practical way to implement this in your life is to practice assertiveness and regularly communicate your needs and desires in your relationships and career.
  9. If What You Are Doing Isn’t Working, Try Something Different: This mindset emphasizes the importance of adaptability and flexibility in pursuing your goals.
    A practical way to implement this in your life is to regularly assess the effectiveness of your actions and adjust your approach as needed, whether it be through seeking feedback or trying a new strategy.
  10. Be Clear and Direct: This mindset encourages clear communication and boundaries in your relationships and career.
    A practical way to implement this in your life is to practice assertiveness and regularly communicate your needs and boundaries in a clear and direct manner.

These mindsets can have a profound impact on your life if you are willing to embrace them and implement them into your daily routine.

Pick one mindset at a time, write it down on a card and put it where you can see it every day in the morning and at night then implement it in your life for 30 to 60 days then move on to the next one.

By focusing on positivity, growth, and self-improvement, you can transform your mindset and create a more fulfilling and meaningful life for yourself.

Remember, changing your mindset takes time and effort, so be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress along the way.

These mindsets come from Dr. Robert A. Glover’s book ‘No More Mr. Nice Guy’.

I highly recommend checking out his book for further insights and strategies on personal growth and development.

Thanks for reading … ❤️ See you in part 2.

