How I am getting healthy again while staying at home for long hours during the pandemic

Joseph Hass
4 min readAug 25, 2022


Health food. Salad, meat and sweet potato chips in a basket.

My blood test results are back. It has been 3 months already and my diet changes and simple exercise routine have paid off. You can think of this article as part 2 or an update to “How I went from Healthy and Fit to Pre-Diabetic with a Fatty Liver and High Cholesterol”

After interpreting the blood test results with my doctor, my cholesterol levels are down to normal now and there is no fatty liver anymore.

In the same way, I went from healthy to sick in a short period of time my body also healed itself in a short time.

Food is medicine in the same way as it can make you sick. People say change is hard and evidence has shown this. Most people who are advised that they will die if they don’t change their behaviour don’t end up making changes. Only about 10% will change so in a way change is hard since we are creatures of habit.

You would agree if I said that habits are hard to change however actions can be taken easily. My health condition was not critical however I convinced myself that if I didn’t change I would die. I also attached great pleasure to my new diet and exercise routine. Taking consistent action created a pattern. Repeating the pattern created new habits. If you understand this you can change your habits very quickly and gradually.

See attaching great pain to something that you are doing will make you see it in a different way which will make you stop doing it and attaching great pleasure to something that you want to get yourself to do will get you doing it.

If you can stay consistent in taking action then your habits will change easily. It is like a mind trick that you can use on yourself to get yourself moving in the right direction however for this to work you have to believe it. The reason that a few people that are sick change their behaviour is that there is too much pleasure linked to the action that is making them sick so they keep doing it and can’t stop. In addition, everyone wants the easy way out. Give me a pill that will lower my cholesterol so I don’t have to change my lifestyle…

Life is change and that is the only constant …

This pleasure and pain trick has worked for me. I can’t stop here though as not all my blood test results were great. The glucose tolerance test didn’t go too well. I am still a pre-diabetic. This condition has not cleared. I need to watch my diet and continue to exercise so I can reverse the condition. My appointment is set with a dietician to help me with this naturally without any medication.

The good news is that it is reversible. The body is designed to eat simple food. These days food has so many additives and they are not good for us. The additives make us feel hungry quicker and eat more without feeling full. Modern food is full of empty calories.

I am used to my simple diet now. I feel full for longer and my energy levels are high. And believe it or not, I look forward to eating simple food. Also, I look forward to going out with my mates and eating something different that tastes 100 times better now since I don’t eat it every day.

An efficient engine does not consume much fuel same with your body if you eat really simple food you will notice the difference too.

Staying at home is not great either. It is like being an animal in a zoo. If you look at zoo animals they are far different from the animals in the wild. I feel the same way being at home. And as a result, I have to exercise. 30 mins a day is all I need. It is not intense. To get fit you just need to push, pull and move. Keep it simple! I walk for 20 to 30 minutes around the house and do some squats, push-ups, crunches and sit-ups.

Over the next months, I will share more about food and how it is helping me become healthy again. I will also update you on my pre-diabetes condition. Fingers crossed it will be gone by then … ❤️

