Pitchronome: A Design Journey

Joseph Hosford
3 min readJul 6, 2016

On the eve of

newest release Pitchronome. I thought it would be interesting to take a look back at the design journey we took to get here. So buckle up kiddos and get ready for a trip down memory lane.

The No-Idea-Is-A-Bad-Idea Period

Wacky designed based on dice multiplication.

We started the project with the intention of making a musical tool that will simplify the practice session, no extra screens, no extra apps all the while having to integrate a pitch generator, metronome and tuner into one project and one screen.

Testing out a design in a fake digital ad.

We started out design the app in landscape but switched to a portrait based on user feedback. We wanted to reduce physical strain whenever we could on the user and we found the feature that was most modified was the metronome so we decided on a vertical layout with drone / tuner on top and metronome function near the bottom. Also at this point we started experimenting with a knob based control scheme for the metronome.

Early animation prototype

The Blue / Green Period

Based upon the user feedback we start iterating with metronome on the bottom and amidst that we found ourselves drawn to blue, white and green as our main colors for Pitchronome.

At this point we decided to implement three knobs for the metronome with a separate corresponding display. We also started to integrate our new designs into the icon.

The icon evolution.

After extensive testing with users one of the most requested features was the ability to customize the layout. So we added 10 custom backgrounds.

With all that — we get to the final Pitchronome design.

We are pretty pleased with the end result (even though I do miss the wacky dice).

Check out Pitchronome on the Apple App Store and let us know what you think!



Joseph Hosford

Co-Founder @musicloftapps | iOS Developer | Designer | Music lover | ADSR all day long