5 Exotic Weapons That Are Going To Be Great In Destiny 2’s Season 15

Joseph Hutchinson
5 min readAug 21, 2021


The days of running dry on primary ammo are over. Image Credit: Bungie

With the arrival of Season 15 in Destiny 2 now only days away, I thought I’d cover a few of my picks for Exotic weapons which aren’t going to leave my inventory next season. Some of them are just getting majorly buffed (See Bungie’s latest TWAB 19/08/21), whilst others are benefitting more indirectly from changes or additions to other areas of the game.

#1: Sweet Business (Auto Rifle)


Sweet Business has never been top tier, nor has it ever been the worst exotic in the game, rather it has always hung around the grey area in between. No longer! With the change to all primary weapons now granting infinite ammo, Sweet Business climbs steadily up the exotic ladder of viability. The obvious combination would be to pair this with the Titan exotic Actium War Rig, so as to almost never have to reload, pair that with infinite ammo, and do you see where I’m going with this? On top of this, next season exotic primaries will be more likely to drop special and heavy ammo compared to their legendary counterparts, and Sweet Business auto-reloads when collecting special and heavy ammo, making it even easier to never reload. So assuming this will be a noticable increase in ammo, I can see myself rocking Sweet Business with the Anti-barrier Auto Rifle mod from the artifact in some endgame content next season.

#2: Outbreak Perfected (Pulse Rifle)

Still ranks among the coolest looking exotics ever created. Image Credit: Bungie

Now it’s been a while since pulses were the PvE meta, and truthfully I don’t think that’s going to change going into Season 15. However, with the artifact featuring Unstoppable Pulse Rifle as one of it’s offerings next season, I can see an opportunity. With Outbreak, you typically want as many people using it in your fireteam as possible, as the more Outbreaks there are, the more damage they can put out thanks to their combined nanites. I can picture me and my team running a Grandmaster Nightfall all using Outbreak Perfected with nanites attaching themselves to absolutely everything. Once again this pick takes adavantage of the fact that exotic primaries will be dropping more special and heavy ammo next season, so pair this with a rocket launcher, or any machine gun (as all machine guns are getting a 20% damage buff next season), and you’re good to go for almost any activity in the game.

#3: Vex Mythoclast (Fusion/Auto Rifle)

Soon, My Precious, Soon…

Ah, the Vex. Personally, it’s remained one of my favourite all time weapons throughout it’s highs and lows in the meta, and that’s even though I tragically have yet to acquire it in Destiny 2. This weapon, which is classified as a fusion but plays like high impact auto for all intents and purposes, is about to go from zero to hero, with Bungie buffing it in almost every conceivable way:

  • PVE damage bonus increased by ~40%.
  • Range stat increased to be near-best in class for high impact Auto Rifles.
  • Increased stability stat.
  • Reworked catalyst to grant stability and damage after a kill.
  • Increased rate of fire from 360 to 390.
  • Reduced Linear Fusion Rifle mode charge time from 820 to 533 (same as standard Linear Fusion Rifles).
  • No longer loses overcharge stacks on stow except when in Linear Fusion Rifle mode.

What else is there to say? A fusion rifle and linear fusion in one awesome package? Oh what’s that? There’s an artifact mod for unstoppable fusion/ linear fusion rifles next season? Well isn’t that convenient. Not for me obviously but still.

#4: Le Monarque (Bow)

Almost 3 years and still no ornament.

This one should come as no surprise considering the Overload Bow mod is once again present on the artifact next season. Bows, especially Le Monarque, have always been incredibly consistent when it comes to dealing with Overload Champions, so their value is only going to increase in harder content like Grandmasters where there are an abundance of Overloads. Le Monarque specifically is my pick here because of the poisonous damage-over-time effect it produces on crit shots, which itself is able to actually re-stun champions due to its long duration. It was a toss up for me between Le Monarque and Ticuu’s Divination, the latter of which ended up coming in very close second for me only because of the nerf to Warmind Cells which Ticuu’s is so good at creating, however they are both still top picks for Grandmaster Overload Champions. Not much else to say here, Le Monarque does what it says on the box and it does it well, sometimes that’s all you need.

#5: Thunderlord (Machine Gun)

Here’s to a return to it’s former glory!

As with my last list, I’m taking a punt here with Thunderlord, the exotic machine gun originally from Destiny 1, and actually the first machine gun to be added to Destiny 2. Again this slot was a toss up between Thunderlord and Heir Apparent, but I ended up going with Thunderlord purely for nostalgia reasons. The incoming machine gun damage buff of a whopping 20%, might just serve (I’m hoping) to put them back on the menu of viable options in endgame content. It will definitely make them more efficient at ad-clearing which was their only real function previously as they lacked the punch needed to be able to effectively engage bigger, tankier targets. Again, we’ll just have to wait and see how it plays out on Tuesday because while the buff looks good on paper that doesn’t mean it will translate well into gameplay, after all the Sleeper Simulant buff looked good on paper and look how that turned out, it’s still in my vault and probably has some kind of moss growing on it by now.

Anyway that’s my top 4 picks and one gamble for exotics that will be great next season. Not long to go now before everything is revealed.

Until next time.



Joseph Hutchinson

I write opinion pieces, reviews, lore discussions and general news for the video game Destiny 2. I also cover my thoughts and ideas about popular TV and Film.