Did Destiny 2 Just Hint At A Higher Power Above The Light And Dark?

Joseph Hutchinson
5 min readSep 2, 2021


Mara Sov returned at last in Season of the Lost. Image Credit: Bungie

This week in Destiny 2 we continued the Wayfinder’s Voyage questline to rescue another lost Techeun so that they can ultimately help Mara Sov exorcise Savathun’s worm and leave her mortal. At the end of the questline for this week we once again conversed with Savathun. This time the conversation was about a secret regarding the Light and the Darkness, a secret that Savathun imparts onto us, a secret that, if true, could turn everything we think we know about the Light and Dark on it’s head. Needless to say, this is big.

Now, I should preface this by saying that this information comes from Savathun, a character who is infamous for her lies and deceit, so by no means take this as gospel. However, if it is true, then the universe of Destiny just got a whole lot bigger. This is what Savathun said toward the end of the conversation when we spoke to her this week:

You don’t have to say it. We’ve all heard it before: “The line between Light and Dark is so very thin.” As if you were incapable of lifting your eyes from a scrawl of chalk on the ground… The Traveler and the Light near one foor, your old enemies and the Darkness at the other. Let me tell you a secret. If you ever want to see what’s been watching you since the very beginning, just stand on that line, and look…up.

Again, assuming this isn’t all lies, this is the first major hint we’ve had that there is something else out there, higher up the universal food chain than even the Light and Dark, something just as ancient if not more so, and this whole time it’s just been… watching. Of course I could be misinterpreting this completely, this could actually be some elaborate 4th wall break, and it’s actually us the players who have been watching from the very beginning. This wouldn’t be unheard of in Destiny either, as the Ahamkara, or at least some of them, are aware that they are characters in a video game as evidenced in the Skull of Dire Ahamkara lore tab when the player themself is addressed directly.

Image Credit: Bungie

Having said that, I do not think that this is the case. I think there is a big difference between breaking the fourth wall in a written lore tab on a single piece of armour, and doing it through a major character in the main story of a season, it just doesn’t fit.

Now I have one main piece of evidence that I wanted to analyse in relation to this new truth, but first I want to explain why I actually believe Savathun could be telling the truth on this particular occasion. This is because Savathun actually has no need to lie or deceive at this present moment because the crystal cocoon that she is in serves to protect her not only from physical threats such as Xivu Arath, but also from her worm which would ordinarily consume her if she stopped feeding it through lies and trickery. So if she doesn’t have to worry about lying in order to feed her worm, the question is if she would still lie anyway for the sake of it. That is something we just don’t know.

Now for juicy part. There is new dialogue in last season’s activity: Override, and as far as I’m aware it’s almost unheard of for Bungie to add new dialogue to an old activity, therefore there must be a very good reason for it. The following conversation is between Mithrax and Ikora:

M: Reflecting on our victories, I am reminded of an Eliksni legend. One told by the scribes of House Judgement. Before the Great Machine, Eliksni were hounded by Skira, the Watcher. A shapechanger, manipulator.

I: Savathun?

M: No. But… similar. A demon of our past, defeated.

I: How?

M: Not with weapons or words, but with silence.Our fear and belief made Skira powerful. When we ceased being afraid, Skira ceased to be.

Now this could all be a big coincidence, but Bungie could’ve easily introduced this dialogue last season, they could’ve easily just said ‘an old Eliksni enemy’, but no, they introduced it this season and they named a new enemy that we’ve never ever heard of before until now, Skira, the Watcher, just as Savathun reveals that something has been watching us since the very beginning. I find it very hard to belive that this is all just a coincidence.

Old Pre-Destiny 1 Concept Art. Image Credit: Bungie

Skira is described as a demon, a shapechanger and manipulator. When I first heard that I immediately thought of an Ahamkara, who are known to shapeshift and love to trick or manipulate beings into wishing for stuff so that they can pervert said wishes. However, I’ve never heard of an Ahamkara literally gaining power from fear and simple belief, nor have I heard of one ceasing to exist because of a lack of fear or belief. To me, this sounds very similar to the pacts Savathun and her siblings made with the worm gods, each one was gifted incredible power via a worm, but each would have to keep ‘feeding’ said worm through different means. For Savathun specifically this was through lying and deceiving others, because she was the most cunning of the siblings. It’s entirely possible that this Skira character had a worm too, and fed it via instilling fear in others, once the Eliksni stopped fearing Skira, it could no longer feed it’s worm, so the worm devoured it instead, thus Skira ‘ceased to be’ from the Eliksni point of view.

So, to conclude, we have Savathun claiming that there is something else in the universe that is watching our conflict with the Light and Dark, and has been watching for a very long time, perhaps as a simple observer, or perhaps said being is like a puppet master, pulling the strings of the universe and watching what happens. And then we have Mithrax coming out of nowhere to tell us about an old enemy the Eliksni once face called Skira, the Watcher, who in my opinion sounds like a being who had also entered into a pact with the worm gods.

I personally am inclined to believe Savathun about this Watcher, however I am unsure how, if at all, this links to Mithrax’s story about the ‘demon’ named Skira. Maybe it is just a coincidence? Either way, I firmly believe now that there is something else out there watching us. Whether that is Skira the Watcher or something else entirely, I highly doubt we’ll get any serious development on this topic until Destiny’s second saga, or maybe ‘The Final Shape’ at the earliest. The Bungie story team has been on top form lately with content like this, and they haven’t shown any sign of slowing down, here’s to hoping the ‘Witch Queen’ campaign is just as good if not better.

Until Next Time.



Joseph Hutchinson

I write opinion pieces, reviews, lore discussions and general news for the video game Destiny 2. I also cover my thoughts and ideas about popular TV and Film.