Little Known Facts About Java — And Why They Matter

3 min readOct 31, 2022


Present on billions of devices globally, including mobile phones, laptops, gaming consoles, medical devices, etc., Java’s popularity has been growing.

Advancing Java's career path for learners is very lucrative and offers plenty of opportunities for growth. You can work as a Java developer, android developer, web developer, enterprise app developer, scrum master, big data architect, etc.

After years of its launch in 1995, Java still remains the extensively used coding language. In the TIOBE programming index, it ranks in the top three places. So, learning Java will give your career a boost and help you make a successful IT career.

With the help of an applied Java track program with certification, you will be able to begin a Java career in weeks.

Little Known Facts About Java — And Why They Matter

Before you start learning, go through the list of little-known facts about Java. Knowing the background of the language and unknown facts will familiarize you with the language.

Java was called Oak in the beginning

When James Gosling created Java, he named Java Oak after the oak tree he saw from his office window. At that time, he was working at Sun Microsystems. The company needed a programming language for the smart appliances, as C++ was unsuitable.
For this, they created the Oak language and an operating platform called Green. Oak was renamed Java as there were trademark issues, and Oak was already taken by another company named oak technology.

Minecraft was written in Java

Minecraft, a popular game, was written in Java. Even today, it uses many Java libraries. Also, the Minecraft Java version does not interact with PlayStation or Xbox and has a rich ecosystem of its own.

“Duke” is the Java programming mascot

Duke is the official mascot of Java, and it represents a jumping, cartwheel Duke. It looks like a penguin and was created by Sun Microsystem’s Joe Parlang. You can see it in many Java events.
When it was open-sourced in 2006, designers were asked to come up with their own versions of the mascot. This project at OpenJDK was called “Project Duke.”

Java coffee cup has a story

You must have seen the coffee cup in the Java logo. Java’s name was taken from an island in Indonesia known all over for its coffee beans. The idea struck James Gosling when he was sipping coffee during brainstorming. The steaming coffee came into his mind as the logo, as most of the coffee exported to Europe came from Java.

Java was created accidentally

Java programming language was accidentally created. James Gosling, with his team, was not developing a new language but making modifications to the C++ programming language. They wanted this for the features in the set-top box they were building. But that could not happen, so they created Java.


Java is a high-performance coding language with exceptional features, speed, and supportive libraries. Its dynamic nature, robustness, and versatility make perfect language to begin your career with.

If you want to learn it from scratch, you can enroll in the immersive Java Track in the bay area for beginners. This program is ideal for learning Java as you don’t need prior programming knowledge.




I am Josephine Pearl, training and development manager at SynergisticIT.