A New Manhattan Project for Hydrogen Fuels

Joseph Kamanda Kimona-Mbinga
6 min readNov 19, 2021


Source: World’s largest dynamic hydrogen electrolysis plant, The Chemical Engineer

Joe Biden has made an historic landmark milestone with the new Bipartisan Infrastructure funding law. The United States 🇺🇸 would done a better job in not only renovating its existing assets of infrastructure made for the past economy; but most fundamentally redesigning and building new infrastructure assets that will shape the future of. its economy.

I would propose to the US 🇺🇸 government to set up a kind of the Manhattan Project to disrupt the energy industry with hydrogen fuels that will set up a new creative destruction of the economy. As outcome of such process; the US 🇺🇸 supply of energy could count 90% of greener, cheaper and abundant hydrogen fuels by 2035 with drastic reductions of greenhouse gas emissions at the levels of the preindustrial era.

A creative destruction from a kind of Manhattan Project for hydrogen fuels has the potential to triple or quadruple the current size of the US 🇺🇸 economy by creating unprecedent levels of wealth, jobs and the general wellbeing from a new green industrial revolution. If the US 🇺🇸 government in collaboration with China 🇨🇳 set up the path to the new green industrial revolution; other nations will follow… We can make it happen together.

To meet the deadline for avoiding an irreversible reaction in chain of climate change collateral damages; hydrogen fuels should completely substitute fossil fuels in the global supply of energy before 2035… This is feasible if creative destruction is made to disrupt the energy industry. Most of current oil companies will be the main players of such process and will benefit hugely from it. It just takes new talents with new vision, new business models to scale up current and coming innovations in technologies to make it happen…

For the reminder, the essential of scientists and engineers who made possible the Manhattan Project were immigrants… By the way, many tend to forget that Elon is an immigrant, native from Africa (not from Canada). Let new ideas and new talents drive the process…

Another critical reminder: without the natural resources of my native country, the Democratic Republic of the Congo 🇨🇩, the Manhattan project would have never succeeded…

Equally for any coming green industrial revolution, from batteries to hydrogen; the natural resources of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 🇨🇩 are a central key to make it happen. This time we want our people to be part of the equation… Very legitimate request and commonsensical expectation…

Joe and Xi met, which is very good news to ease tensions between the United States 🇺🇸 and China 🇨🇳. If there is something the United States 🇺🇸 and China 🇨🇳 can do very efficiently to deal with climate change; it is to accelerate and scale up the greener and cheaper production of hydrogen fuels that can substitute at mass scale the global fossil fuels’ supply, especially in the decarbonized generation of electricity.

Wind, solar and nuclear energy combined alone won’t help the global economy to decarbonize its energy supply made of more than 84% of fossil fuels before any realistic deadline to avoid the devastating collateral damages of carbon emissions. Yet a supply of abundant, decarbonized and cheaper hydrogen fuels can decarbonize the global supply of energy drastically before 2035 if huge investments in green electrolysis (with hydropower combined with other green renewable), in infrastructure and in policies are made. Here where China 🇨🇳 and the United States 🇺🇸 working together can make the real difference in changing the mankind fate: investing massively in the greener, cheaper and abundant production, trade and consumption of hydrogen fuels to substitute the fossil ones.

We can work together in making it happening. It just requires fairness in supporting talents across the world to make it happen. This time, if fairness is not at the heart of support to talents in solving existential issues and challenges facing the humankind species; everybody will lose everything…

The substitution of fossil fuels with the hydrogen fuels in the energy supply is not an unrealistic utopia. The Government of Japan is already making such substitution the reality of its energy transition.

In fact hydrogen fuels are just decarbonized fuels because even within fossil fuels, it is the hydrogen atom that is the carrier of energy.

No matter the source of energy used in the economy; hydrogen is central to their production.

Hydrogen fuels are in fact the. « fundamental » carriers of energy that power even the stars, especially the Sun. Mastering them is a milestone in the human civilizational revolution… The Government of Japan 🇯🇵 is showing a good exemple of what will be the future of energy…

These data on fossil fuels are the most interesting ones in understanding issues and challenges of energy transition. The global economy depends at more than 84% on fossil fuels from coal, oil and gas to supply energy for transportation, electricity generation, manufacturing or industrial inputs, etc.

The sad truth is that even if the world succeeds to get all of the transportation systems powered by batteries; we may still get even more fossil fuels in the global supply of energy because there will be an exponential increase of the demand of electricity to power those batteries, which electricity still depends at more than 80% on fossil fuels.

For those who focus on batteries for transportation electrification; to get a total or efficient decarbonized supply of energy at the global scale; fossil fuels have to be drastically phased out from the electricity generation supply. If you think that by 2050, wind, solar and nuclear energy alone combined to batteries will succeed to decarbonize the global supply of energy and avoid the reaction in chain of greenhouse gas emissions; you’re probably a fan of both Alice in the wonderland and Santa 🎅 Cruz… You’re set up for the cataclysmic disaster from climate change.

I have no doubt that greener, cheaper and abundant hydrogen fuels are the key to avoid the looming cataclysmic disaster from climate change. A new Manhattan Project for hydrogen fuels will decarbonize the economy by replacing fossil fuels with greener, cheaper and abundant hydrogen ones. The outcomes will be drastic cuts of carbon emissions at the preindustrial level era while tripling or quadrupling the size of the economy with more wealth and more jobs.

The green industrial revolution will re-industrialize many developed economies while ensuring equally the industrialization of the developing economies. This will be the unique opportunity for a globale balanced development if there are at the global level efficient management and fairness to shape these new dynamics. Talents, more than technologies and money, will be the key ingredient for success. Without people, both technology and money are worthless and cannot solve any human problem. This basic factual evidence should be driving the solving of all existential issues and challenges. Often they are worsen by ignoring this factual evidence. It takes talents to create both technologies and money as tools to deal with human problems…



Joseph Kamanda Kimona-Mbinga

Economist, Author & Entrepreneur / Économiste, Auteur & Entrepreneur 孤家寡人 (😊😉😁)