About Creative Destruction, Capitalism, its Success and How to Prevent its Collapsing

Joseph Kamanda Kimona-Mbinga
5 min readJul 10, 2023


As economist, I have been shaped by Joseph Schumpeter works, which give the best ever theoretical frameworks to understand how entrepreneurship, creative destruction and capitalism have shaped the emergence of modern society. I have used Artificial Intelligence in checking up the validation of Joseph Schumpeter theses. Here are the results:


How Creative destruction does make capitalism efficient?


Creative destruction plays a crucial role in making capitalism efficient by driving innovation, economic progress, and overall productivity. Here’s how it works:

1. Encouraging innovation: Creative destruction creates an environment that incentivizes innovation and entrepreneurship. As new firms enter the market with innovative ideas, products, or services, they challenge existing firms and disrupt established ways of doing business. This competition fosters a drive for continuous improvement, technological advancements, and efficiency gains.

2. Allocating resources effectively: Creative destruction reallocates resources from less productive or declining industries to more productive and promising ones. When outdated or inefficient businesses are replaced by new ventures, capital, labor, and other resources are reallocated to areas with higher growth potential and economic returns. This process ensures that resources are utilized efficiently and directed towards sectors that generate the most value.

3. Removing inefficiencies: Through creative destruction, inefficient firms and practices are phased out or replaced by more efficient ones. This leads to the elimination of unproductive or obsolete methods, technologies, and business models. It encourages firms to adapt, invest in research and development, and adopt new technologies to stay competitive.

4. Enhancing productivity: Creative destruction stimulates productivity growth in the economy. As firms innovate and compete, they find ways to produce goods and services more efficiently, reduce costs, and improve quality. This increased productivity drives economic growth, raises living standards, and allows societies to enjoy a higher standard of living over time.

5. Encouraging adaptation to change: Creative destruction enables economies to adapt to changing circumstances, such as shifts in consumer preferences, technological advancements, or global market dynamics. By fostering a dynamic and flexible economic environment, capitalism can respond more effectively to evolving needs and challenges.

Overall, creative destruction ensures that capitalism remains dynamic, adaptable, and efficient. It spurs innovation, reallocates resources to their most productive uses, eliminates inefficiencies, and drives productivity growth, ultimately contributing to the long-term economic progress and prosperity of societies.


Can you explain what Joseph Schumpeter meant by saying that capitalism would collapse from its success?


Joseph Schumpeter, an influential economist, believed that capitalism contained within itself the seeds of its own destruction. He argued that capitalism’s dynamic nature and relentless pursuit of innovation and profit would lead to the emergence of large, dominant firms that would eventually stifle competition. These firms, known as monopolies or oligopolies, would have the power to control markets, limit entry by new competitors, and suppress innovation.

Schumpeter believed that this concentration of economic power would eventually erode the entrepreneurial spirit and creative destruction that are fundamental to capitalism. Creative destruction refers to the constant cycle of old industries and businesses being replaced by new ones through innovation and technological advancements. According to Schumpeter, the success of capitalism in generating wealth and economic growth would eventually lead to a decline in entrepreneurial activity, as large corporations would become risk-averse and resistant to change.

Ultimately, Schumpeter argued that the very success of capitalism in generating economic growth and prosperity would give rise to forces that would undermine its own vitality and lead to its collapse. However, it’s important to note that Schumpeter’s views are subject to debate and there are differing opinions on the long-term sustainability of capitalism.


Is there any link between the emergence of plutocracy and the collapsing of capitalism from its success?


Yes, there is a potential link between the emergence of plutocracy and the potential collapse of capitalism from its success. Plutocracy refers to a society or system where power is concentrated in the hands of a wealthy elite, often resulting in the influence of economic inequality on political power and decision-making.

When capitalism becomes highly successful and generates significant wealth, there is a risk that the concentration of economic power in the hands of a few individuals or corporations can lead to the consolidation of political power as well. This can occur through various means, such as lobbying, campaign contributions, and the revolving door between private sector and government positions.

If plutocracy takes hold within a capitalist system, it can undermine competition, fairness, and equal opportunities. The wealthy elite may use their power and influence to shape policies and regulations in their favor, further entrenching their dominance and hindering economic mobility for others. This can lead to a decline in entrepreneurship, innovation, and overall economic dynamism.

Moreover, a growing wealth gap and the perception of an unfair system can erode public trust in capitalism and its institutions. Social unrest and demands for greater economic equality may arise, potentially destabilizing the capitalist system.

It’s worth noting that not all capitalist societies necessarily lead to plutocracy or experience the same level of income inequality. The degree to which plutocracy emerges and its impact on capitalism can vary depending on factors such as political institutions, government policies, and societal values.


What can be done to avoid the collapsing of capitalism and the emergence of plutocracy?


To mitigate the potential collapse of capitalism and prevent the emergence of plutocracy, several measures can be considered:

1. Ensuring robust competition: Promote competition policies and regulations that prevent the formation of monopolies or oligopolies. Encourage fair market practices, enforce anti-trust laws, and support a level playing field for new entrants.

2. Strengthening social safety nets: Implement social welfare programs and safety nets to provide a basic level of support for those facing economic hardships. This helps to reduce inequality and address social disparities, fostering a more inclusive society.

3. Progressive taxation: Implement a fair and progressive tax system where those with higher incomes and wealth contribute proportionally more. This can help redistribute wealth, reduce inequality, and provide resources for public goods and services.

4. Political transparency and accountability: Promote transparency in political financing, lobbying activities, and decision-making processes to reduce the influence of money and special interests in politics. Encourage campaign finance reforms and stricter regulations to ensure political decisions serve the broader public interest.

5. Enhancing access to education and opportunities: Invest in quality education and skills development to provide equal opportunities for all members of society. This can help address inequality at its roots and foster an environment that encourages entrepreneurship, innovation, and social mobility.

6. Strengthening democratic institutions: Uphold and strengthen democratic institutions, including an independent judiciary, free press, and robust civil society. These safeguards can help prevent the concentration of power and promote checks and balances within the system.

7. Promoting responsible corporate behavior: Encourage corporate social responsibility, ethical business practices, and environmental sustainability. Hold corporations accountable for their actions and encourage a long-term perspective that benefits both shareholders and society.

These measures, among others, can help strike a balance between economic growth, social well-being, and the prevention of plutocratic tendencies, thus fostering a more sustainable and inclusive form of capitalism.



Joseph Kamanda Kimona-Mbinga

Economist, Author & Entrepreneur / Économiste, Auteur & Entrepreneur 孤家寡人 (😊😉😁)