Black Thebes: the Origin of the Ancient Greek Civilization

Joseph Kamanda Kimona-Mbinga
17 min readOct 9, 2019


The Doric order from the Ancient Greek Architecture is the simplification of the Papyrus Order from the Ancient Egyptian Architecture. Hera Temple at Paestum. Credit: Aurélie Damet, Maître des conférences en histoire grecque, Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne

It is very controversial to state that Africa has been the place of the birth of the European civilization; even if historic factual evidence shows beyond any polemic controversy that such thesis is totally true.

It is even more controversial to anyone shaped by the inheritance of the last 500 years of racism against Black people to make them understand that the first European indigenous and native populations of Homo Sapiens Sapiens were Black people from Africa who settled this continent from Ancient Greece to England.

Yet science nowadays brings new evidence that shows that there was European native and indigenous population that was made of Black people! There is no doubt Black people are the first Homo Sapiens Sapiens to settle in Europe before even the birth of the Pharaonic Egypt! This is not a racist opinion; it is a factual evidence from science that those with racist mentality shaped by the last 500 years legacy of white supremacy are shocked to learn!

Having Black Africans shaping the human settlements of Europe is not a recent phenomenon linked exclusively to the pharaonic Egypt. It is now a scientific factual evidence that Homo Sapiens Sapiens, the modern mankind species and their civilization as we know them today came from Africa before spreading on the entire planet. The genetic mutations that led to the whitening of skin of Black people out of Africa from Asia, Middle East, Europe to Americas are very recent in the human history.

Having Africans shaping the human civilization building in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and elsewhere predates the pharaonic Egypt. All human settlements of Homo Sapiens Sapiens from Asia, the Middle East to Europe and elsewhere before 6000 BC were made of Black people who came from Africa. It is these Black people out of Africa who developed the genetic mutations whitening their skin and forming other distinguishing physiological features. However the development of the fundamentals of the human civilization as we know it today across the planet by Homo Sapiens Sapiens preceded those genetic mutations. Those who still attribute the development of European cultures to people who came from India, Caucasian territories, Siberia, Anatolia and the Middle East should notice that those populations were made of Black people from Africa and that their genetic mutations that whitened their skin happened very recently.

In 1987–1991 when Martin Bernal published his book “Black Athena”, it was a controversy and scandal; not because of its scientific scope; but because it questioned the foundation of racist and supremacist fallacies that identify Ancient Greece as their origin.

The scandal of Martin Bernal was to tell truth by admitting that the Ancient Greek civilization is a derivative of the Ancient pharaonic Egypt, which was a Black African civilization.

Yes, the pharaonic civilization was essentially Black African from its roots to its collapsing in 342 BC. All pharaonic dynasties in Egypt were Black Africans with the exception of the Hyksos rulers before the 18th dynasty and the Ptolemaic dynasty after the collapsing of the pharaonic Egypt in 342 BC. Alexander the Great and his General Ptolemy were Macedonians from Greece when they founded the Ptolemaic dynasty that lasted until the death of Cleopatra…

Source: The ancient Egyptian empire during the rule of Thutmose III (1479 – 26 BCE),

Some have been using genetic analyses of few mommies to conclude that Ancient Egyptians weren’t Africans because those mommies have Middle Easterners’ genes. What people should understand is the fact that Ancient Egyptians were in trade relations with their Mediterranean neighbours even before the invasion of Hyksos, which lasted around one century. Before, during and after the Hyksos invasion; Ancient Egyptians married with their neighbours. During the 18th dynasty rule, the Ancient Egyptian map was more vast than what is known nowadays and included current territories from Sudan to Turkey, Greece and even large parts of North Africa. It is not a surprise to find the trace of DNA from Middle Easterners in Egyptian mummies. However this doesn’t change the fact that the Ancient Egyptian civilization was a Black African one from its origin to its collapsing in 343 – 342 BC. Does the presence of Arabs in Europe before the 11th century AD makes the European civilization the Arab one? Of course no!

The majority of Ancient Egyptians were Black Africans until the Ptolemaic dynasty. There is no objection with the fact that there were racial minority goups in the Ancient Egypt comming from Europe and Asia, which were part of Egyptian colonies. However the Pharaonic Egypt until 342 BC was a Black African society, culture and civilization that shaped, not only its neighbors in Asia and Europe but also beyond, such as in Australia and South America with the building of pyramids.

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in Australia

People often think that the Ancient Greece as a democracy couldn’t be a derivative from the Ancient Egypt, which they pretend to be a totalitarian monarchy. This is a flawed argument! The United States, which is a Republic, is a derivative of the United Kingdom, which is a monarchy… King George was not a democrat ruler at the time of the American Revolution! Like in the case of Ancient Rome; most of Greek cities were monarchies at their beginning before becoming democratic systems. The city of Macedonia remained a monarchy with Alexander the Great as one of its famous kings. Not all Ancient Greek cities were democracies like Athens. So pretending that Ancient Egypt couldn’t be the root inspiration of the Ancient Greek civilization because of their government systems’ difference is totally flawed…

Yet archeological findings more and more reveal that the pharaonic system didn’t practice slavery and was not as despotic as tend to pretend urban myths. People who built pyramids and other ancient Egyptian structures were free workers with salaries and social advantages. Archeological discoveries show that their everyday life was more free than what has been said about them… The governance practices of the pharaonic system were founded on MAAT principles, which are more fare from any totalitarian or despotic ideology. Individuals, especially women, had equal rights, which weren’t guaranteed in Ancient Greece… There were women who became heads of state in Ancient Egypt and across Africa while there were no such cases of woman rulers in Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome.

The myth of a totalitarian pharaonic Egypt is flawed and false, even if there were some tyrant rulers in Ancient Egypt. However the pharaonic system of governance was in general more peaceful and based more on the concept of Justice (MAAT) than the arbitrary or despotism one. Many people in Antiquity often escaped tyranny and persecution in their own nations in Asia and Europe by immigrating to Egypt… The Ancient Egypt system would be today more like a constitutional monarchy than a totalitarian system… If Julius Caesar didn’t burn the Ancient Library of Alexandria; for sure the factual evidence showing that the pharaonic civilization was the foundation of Ancient Greece would have been undoubtedly strong.

Racists and bigots can deny that Athena was Black at its origin; they cannot deny this factual evidence: the city of Thebes in Greece at its origin was founded by Black Africans. Yet all Ancient Greek pundits and mythologies recognize Thebes as the oldest Ancient Greek city founded as a trade road… The fact that Thebes in Greece has the same name with the Ancient capital of the pharaonic Egypt is not a random fact.

Achilles killing Penthesilea; vase from 6th century BC. All Ancient Greek paintings show gods and heroes in black color while human beings like they are following the color of their skin. That is exactly the way Ancient Egyptians used to show gods in their paintings. Is it a random fact?

Thebes in Greece was founded as a colony of Ancient Egypt. Thebes was not the only unique Egyptian colony in what would become Greece. The Minoan civilization in the island of Crete and other Aegean Islands were at their origin Ancient Egyptian colonies essentially developed for trade. Thebes in Greece and the Minoan cities were founded by the same people approximately during the same period of time. These people were our Ancestors in the Ancient pharaonic Egypt. Of course, Ancient Greeks themselves ended up over time by making their culture distinct of that of our Ancestors. Other cultures from Asia ended up by influencing the Ancient Greek civilization too, like any other one… No human culture is hermetically closed to other cultures’ influence.

Imhotep, the builder of Djoser Pyramid

The Djoser Pyramid is known as the first pyramid built in the world by Imhotep, a Black African like the majority of Ancient Egyptians were. What if the first pyramids were built deeper in the South in Sudan and even no more exist? Yet, the Ancient Egyptians themselves used to identify the deep Southern lands beyond Nubia as the birthplace of their ancestors, gods and culture!

The Emperor Askia built his pyramid made of clay in 1495 AD in Mali. However this technique of building pyramids in clay or argyle could have preceded the building of pyramids in stone across Africa. Given the fragility of clay and argyle materials; the pyramids built in the antiquity with these materials have already disappeared. There is archeological evidence of pyramids in Nubian many milleniums before the construction of the first pyramid in Egypt.

Update on August 3, 2020

This illustration from Nubia with pyramids dating from 5000 BC simply shows that the building of pyramids in Nubia preceded the building of pyramids in Egypt. The Nubian civilization preceded and created the Egyptian civilization. Scientific evidence shows that human settlements in Nubian and Southern Africa preceded the development of human settlement in Egypt; the ancestors of Ancient Egyptians came from the South of Nubia… The Egyptian civilization is the derivative of the Nubian one! Ancient Egyptians used to consider the lands in the deep South where is the source of the Nile as the birthplace of their gods and ancestors! This is an historic fact. Prometheus surely did steal fire 🔥 and knowledge from gods in the South of the Nile…

Historically, human settlements in Southern lands preceded those of the first Ancient Egyptian ones; it is known with scientific evidence that the first human settlers of the Ancient Egypt came deep from the south. Current datations of the chronology of the building of pyramids is without any doubt full of inaccuracies… Of course even the Pyramids built on Saqqara site are older than their current chronology but not as older as the first ones built in Sudan, which no longer exist because they were made with clay or argyle instead of stones…

Before mastering stone as building materials; our ancestors were already using clay or argyle as building materials like they have been used across Africa more recently. Assyrians and babylonians kingdoms acquired skills of building big structures in clay, argyle and stones by learning them from our ancestors, whose colonies were situated in the current territories of the Middle East.

A traditional clay and argyle building in Mali.

The kind of techniques of building big structures in clay and argyle were still used in Mali under the King Mansa Musa rule to develop universities and palaces. Before mastering techniques of building with stones; our ancestors were already building big structures in clay, argyle and wood that came from African ecosystems; not outside of the continent…

The Sphinx, Nubia Pyramids & Djoser Puramid

So the first pyramids in history were built deep in Sudan; not in the Ancient Egypt, which was the derivative culture from its Southern neighbours, from the current South Africa, Angola, Congo, Mali, Uganda, Sudan to Ethiopia and all the continent. The number of pyramids built in Sudan is far larger than the one in Egypt! This is a fact; not an opinion!

Minos Palace ruins

The architecture is the most visible feature of the civilizational transfert of the Pharaonic Egypt to Ancient Greece. The Doric order, the oldest Ancient Greek one, is the simplification of the Ancient Egyptian columns made of papyrus leaves. The Minoan architecture better shows the transition from the Ancient Egypt style to the Ancient Greek one.

However by looking closer to some Ancient Greek architecture works; they are literally the copies of the rectangular hypostyles within the Ancient Egyptian temples with subtile modifications. Parthenon is, for example, the copy of the Hatshepsut temple hypostyle. Even Parthenon columns are the copies of the hypostyle columns of the Hatshepsut temple.

Hatshepsut Temple Columns

The Doric order from the Ancient Greek architecture in the Parthenon made a slide difference in the decoration of the capital of the column. This is a very fundamental fact that is not often mentioned as evidence in showing Ancient Egypt as the birth place of Ancient Greek architecture.

Parthenon Columns and Caryatids

The transition from the Ancient Egyptian art style to Ancient Greek one is even very remarkable in the Minoan paintings. At its origin, there is no doubt that the Minoan civilization was a derivative of the Ancient Egyptian one. Yet the Minoan civilization is the root of the Ancient Greek civilization.

Minoan paintings with multi racial characters

Minoan paintings clearly show how multiracial Ancient Greece was at its origin. There is no doubt with this evidence that Ancient Greece was at its beginning a colony of the pharaonic Egypt, which was identifying itself as a Black people civilization.

Minoan characters within the paintings of the Tomb of Thutmoses III

The tomb of Thutmoses III clearly shows people from Egyptian colonies in Asia, Europe, Africa, etc. making allegiance to the Pharaoh. Among them are Minoans, who are clearly Black people.

The fact that the Ancient Greece was a colony of the Ancient Egypt doesn’t mean that Ancient Greeks suffered of bondage under tyranny of Pharaohs. Our ancestors developed more civilized relationships with their colonies, which were more based on trade relations than on bastions of bondage and violence. Ancient Egyptians didn’t practice brutal colonialism as known under the Ancient Rome or the more recent European colonisation experience for the last 500 years. Egyptians used military conquests for self and legitimate defense only against those who invaded Egypt like Hyksos or wanted to do so!

There are now sincere, rigorous and very competent historians who are finally telling truth about Egypt as the origin of the Ancient Greek civilization… The. Ironic fact is that even Herodotus, the Ancient Greek Historian known as the founder of History science, and many other Ancient Greek pundits acknowledge clearly in their writings that the Ancient Greek Civilization is the derivative of the Ancient Egyptian civilization. Why it is so difficult to others to admit such evidence nowadays?

For those familiar with the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle; they will notice that Justice (Maat) is at the center of the Aristotle Ethics. That is not a random fact. From Pythagoras to Aristotle, our ancestors in Kemet did a good job to have them as their students.

Most people ignore the fact that the Great Library of Alexandria built by Alexander the Great in Kemet was under the request of Aristotle who was his teacher. Why historians have been hiding this fact? Why historians don’t mention how Aristotle used the knowledge collected in this Library to write his books? Probably that would be the factual evidence showing the origin of the foundation of the Aristotle philosophy and science; right?

Our ancestors used to developed arts, science, philosophy, architecture and technologies as part of their religious system. This is the reason why priests and temples were at the center of arts, architecture, philosophy, science and technologies. The genius of Aristotle was to get out the center of arts, architecture, philosophy, science and technologies that our ancestors developed from temples to the library; from religion to secularity. This helped to civilize the world as we know it today. At the same time such knowledge has been abused over time to maintain Africans in bondage. Yet we are the ones from our ancestors at the foundation of this knowledge. Time has come for Africa to reappropriate its own roots from the past to build its future.

This is one of the dozens of military fortresses our ancestors built 3,500 years before the building of the first fortress in Europe. When you look at the architecture of these fortresses, you can easily guess where Hyksos (who would later found the Assyrian, Babylonian and Persian civilizations) got the inspiration for their architecture. The concepts of castle, temple, fortress, etc. were created by our ancestors… From the Middle East to Europe; from Asia, Oceania to South America; our ancestors inspired the rise of the human civilization as we know it today…

When pundits compare Ancient Egyptian and South America pyramids; they tend to conclude that they are different and were not built by the same people… In fact the comparison should NOT be made with the oldest Giza and Saqqara pyramids… The comparison should be made with the Mentuhotep and Hatshepsut temples , which were built with the same concept of stepped pyramid; the same concept that Olmecs (Black people from Ancient Egypt) developed when they arrived in Central and South America…

By analyzing the models of a South America stepped pyramid and the temples of Mentuhotep and Hatshepsut; the elements and forms of their architecture are fundamentally the same! Is this a random coincidence when we know that the first stepped pyramids in Central and South America were built by Olmecs around 1000 BC, just few centuries after the building of the Hatshepsut temple, which (like the Mentuhotep one) is basically a stepped pyramid?

Most of scientists and historians who accompanied Napoleon Bonaparte in Egypt were chocked to discover that the Pharaonic Egypt was a Black African civilization… Their own writings clearly state that the Pharaonic Egypt is a Black African civilization…

I am not a conspiracy theorist. Racism against Black Africans is real, not a conspiracy theory. For the last 400 years, there has been a systemic, systematic and institutional racism that denies even factual and scientific evidence about Africans just to make masses believe that Black Africans are inferior to other human beings…

There is still a bunch of idiots perpetuating this racism by denying to African equal opportunities… The most tragic is that those idiots are sometimes abusing of few Africans as their agents in maintaining such racism…

It is in the best interest of our common humanity and shared civilization that we defeat this bunch of idiots who want to perpetuate the racist inheritance of the last 400 years… This is why telling truth about facts on Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greek civilizations is essential in deconstructing the false racist supremacy fabricated to justify the dehumanization of Black Africans…

By the way, do you know that ancien Greek statues and architectural structures such as Parthenon were polychromatic exactly like art works in Ancient Egypt were? A huge factual evidence from the comparison of both cultures shows that the Ancient Egypt is where Ancient Greeks learned arts and science. Do you know why all Ancient Greek statues, buildings and works of art in general have been presented as monochromatic in white since recent few centuries ago?

The answer is certainly the same raison why nobody tells you that the founding city of Ancient Greece, Thebes, was a colony of Ancient Egyptians, exactly like were the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete and other Aegean Islands…

This cup of the 8th century BC was discovered in Cyprus. It was made locally by native folks of the Island. It is an incontestable archeological evidence of the Pharaonic Egypt influence in the European Mediterranean region. Credit: Museum of Louvre, Paris, France.

The Ancient Greek Civilization is literally a derivative of the Ancient Egyptian Civilization. The reason why there had never been any war between Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Greeks; Alexander the Great didn’t conquer Egypt. He was acclaimed as Liberator against the Persian invasion…

Be polychromatic like our ancestors; not monochromatic like some want to make you believe that such fake is the norm or standard of supremacy… There has never been any standard of superiority or inferiority; only the diversity like the polychromatic arts of Ancient Egyptians and Greeks are! The Universe and the Nature are polychromatic and diverse by essence! The diversity of our humanity is just the reflection of such essence. The mankind civilization is the byproduct of such diversity from the contribution of each and every single human culture developed through space and time.

Our ancestors in Africa were the first ones to experience the awakening of the human spirit that has been the foundational moment of the mankind adventure in building the human civilization as we know and experience it nowadays. Maybe Prometheus might have stolen fire from gods, which were represented in black by Ancient Greeks themselves in their mythology; however from historic and factual evidence, it is our ancestors in Africa who transmitted the foundation of knowledge, science, mathematics, arts and culture that built the Ancient Greek civilization.



Joseph Kamanda Kimona-Mbinga

Economist, Author & Entrepreneur / Économiste, Auteur & Entrepreneur 孤家寡人 (😊😉😁)