From Amenhotep III, Augustus Caesar, Mansa Musa, Shenzong to Apple

Joseph Kamanda Kimona-Mbinga
5 min readAug 19, 2018


On July 30, 2015, published a list of The Richest People of all Time. Jeff Bezos has joined the list recently… Ironically the man who has founded the biggest company by market value to cross $1 trillion is not listed among the richest people of all time!

If the principle of controlling wealth as used to classify the richest people of all time should be applied in the case of Steve Jobs legacy, he is in the 5th position after Amenhotep III, Mansa Musa, Augustus Caesar and Shenzong. Of course, the founder of Alphabet, the parent company of Google, should be part of the list too…

By updating the same list with the same criteria, here are some of the richest people of all time:


1. Amenhotep III (18th dynasty, year: 1411 BC – 1351 BC Egypt, Africa)

2. Mansa Musa (year: 1280 – 1337, Mali, Africa)

3. Augustus Caesar (year: 63 BC – 14 AD, Rome, Europe)

4. Emperor (孤家寡人) Shenzong (year: 1048 – 1085, China, Asia)

5. Steven Paul Jobs (Steve Jobs, year: 1955 – 2011, The United States, Americas)

6. Akbar I (year: 1542 – 1605, India, Asia)

7. Joseph Stalin (year: 1878 – 1953, Russia, Eurasia)

8. Andrew Carnegie (year: 1835 – 1919, The United States, Americas)

9. John D. Rockefeller (year: 1839 – 1937, The Unites States, Americas)

10. Alan Rufus (a.k.a. Alan the Red, year: 1040 – 1093, United Kingdom, Europe)

11. Jeffrey Preston Bezos (Jeff Bezos, year: 1964 – present, The United States, Americas)

12. William Henry Gates (Bill Gates, year: 1955 – present, The United States, Americas)

13. Genghis Khan (1162 – 1227, Mongolia, Asia)

Apple should multiply its market value by 4.6 to reach the level of wealth of Augustus Caesar, which equaled the entire current GDP per year of Japan 🇯🇵, the 3rd economy in the world… By the way, Octavian could reach such wealth only because Egypt was under his personal control…

Now consider this: it is said that no human being has reached the level of wealth of Mansa Musa… Maybe his wealth could value the sum of both the United States 🇺🇸 and China 🇨🇳 GDPs combined and multiplied by 2? No one really knows. In fact Mansa Musa is not the richest ruler in the history of Africa. The level of wealth under control of Amenhotep III was 10 times higher or more compared to that of Mansa Musa…

What is sure, Africa has already created in many times the level of wealth that no other continent has created in the human history… Let be humble and open mind because everything under the God Sun is just part of vanities of Vanity!

Wealth is the result of work in producing goods and services to meet the needs of people for their wellbeing… It becomes something toxic when people abuse of its control to dominate other human beings and violate their Unalienable Rights and Legitimate Interests…

Let focus on using the economy and wealth creation as tools of improving the wellbeing of everyone; not as a purpose in abusing power…

I am confident that Africa will be again on the Global Map of the wealth creation… The continent will recover its natural place in the course of the history of the Human Civilization…

In our deep traditions in Africa, we don’t measure the Greatness of a Human Being by the accumulation of material wealth they make… We qualify the Greatness of people by their way of shaping the mankind Destiny… The creation of material wealth becomes just one of the tools in the making or the fabric of the Universal Human Civilization we all enjoy and that all human cultures have contributed to build (no culture is superior to another on Earth)…

From Amenhotep III to Mansa Musa, our ancestors have made critical cornerstones in the building of the Universal Human Civilization we all enjoy today even if the today world still ignores how they made it and what is exactly their contributions…

This has been one of our features: being among the Masters of the Human Destiny in total discretion and humility… When you know how the Universe is complex; when you know how the humanity is fragile in this complexity; you become wise and humble; even if you can create enough and unprecedented amount of material wealth on earth… After all it is just dust from dust that ends up in returning to the dust… What really matters is beyond matter! That’s our real wealth; that’s what we have been mastering from the first moment of the Awakening of the Human Spirit…

We are in the continuity of the Wisdom of our ancestors…



Joseph Kamanda Kimona-Mbinga

Economist, Author & Entrepreneur / Économiste, Auteur & Entrepreneur 孤家寡人 (😊😉😁)