Why Allegations against Huawei and Meng Are a Déjà-Vu?

Joseph Kamanda Kimona-Mbinga
6 min readJan 29, 2019


This Monday January 28, 2019, the United States 🇺🇸 government through its very high officials announced criminal charges against Huawei and its executive Ms. Meng Wanzhou in a spectacle that reminds me something of déjà-vu…

In February 2003, the US government used its Secretary of State, Gen. Colin Powell, one of the most trustworthy Statesmen and Generals of our time, to convince the world that Iraq 🇮🇶 and Saddam Hussein were an eminent threat to its National Security with mass destruction weapons…

After a costly war against Iraq 🇮🇶 and the destruction of Saddam Hussein and its regime; the US government has never found and provided any factual evidence of its allegations it used to justify such war and destruction. Today everyone knows that the allegations against Irak 🇮🇶 and Saddam Hussein were fake and unfounded.

In February 2011, the US government through its Secretary of State, Ms. Hillary Clinton, with President Nicolas Sarkozy of France 🇫🇷 and the UK 🇬🇧 Prime Minister David Cameron convinced the entire world that the regime of Kadhafi was an eminent National Security threat… Kadhafi was denying such allegations. He even warned that NATO was supporting terrorists and criminal bands to destroy Libya 🇱🇾…

Today everyone knows that allegations against Kadhafi that were used to justify the destruction of his regime were unfounded and fake! Yet Kadhafi was right in warning NATO about criminal groups they were supporting against his regime… Everyone knows what has happened in Libya 🇱🇾 since the destruction of Kadhafi and his regime…

From the last 2 decades, the US government has been using fake and unfounded allegations of threats to its National Security to fabricate “vilains” it wants to destroy… Unfortunately, America has been paying a high cost from such recklessness: trillions of dollars have been burned in idiotic wars that have created real threats to Europe and North America… From waves of mass migrations to the rise of protestation votes against elites in Europe and North America; few are capable of linking all of them as consequences from the recklessness of idiotic and quixotic wars in Iraq 🇮🇶, Libya 🇱🇾 and Syria 🇸🇾…

Some in the Trump administration are now trying to transform China 🇨🇳 into their Iraq 🇮🇶 and Libya 🇱🇾 sagas… Huawei and Meng are being turned into their new “mass destruction weapons” from China 🇨🇳 … That’s an idiotic and quixotic mistake, exactly the one that was made previously in the case of Iraq 🇮🇶 and Libya 🇱🇾… Every American who really cares for their country should be worry about that… America is reaching dangerously a non returning point with its debt… Destroying the Chinese economy may have very destructive and irreversible boomerang effects on the United States 🇺🇸…

In 2003, Jean-Chrétien of Canada 🇨🇦 and Jacques Chirac of France 🇫🇷 were among the brave friends and allies of the United States 🇺🇸 to tell the US government a big NO about their allegations against Iraq 🇮🇶. They were totally right! A friend is not a “YES MAN” incapable of saying to you a big No when you are digging your own grave…

A real friend and ally will tell you the truth by saying NO when you’re doing something wrong. This is what the Justin Trudeau Government was incapable to do when they arrested Ms. Meng… Let hope that the Canadian Court will do right what the Trudeau Government was incapable in the case of Meng…

The Canadian Court 🇨🇦 should have the courage Jean Chretien had in the case of Iraq in saying a BIG NO to the request of extradition of Meng to the United States 🇺🇸. A real friend and ally is not a Yes Man! It is who can tell you truth with a BIG NO when you’re doing something wrong and unfair… Pierre-Elliott Trudeau and Jean Chretien did it many times to the US government. It didn’t diminish Canada 🇨🇦… It made the country a trustworthy partner in the eyes of the entire world… We have lost such credibility in the case of Meng and Huawei! Only the Canadian Court can restore such credibility…

There is no more any doubt that the Meng affair is a political issue, not a law enforcement one!

From the declaration of Donald Trump on the Meng affair, the firing of the Canadian envoy to the spectacle of Monday January 28 showing US Secretaries and other leaders announcing allegations of crimes against Huawei and Meng; it will be unbelievable if the defence of Ms. Meng doesn’t succeed to convinced the Judge in the Canadian Court that there are high risks that Ms. Meng Rights to Equal Justice, if extradited to the United States 🇺🇸, be not fairly protected given the political implications of her case…

There is no doubt that Courts of Justice in the United States are independent. However the motives beyond the prosecution of Ms. Meng are now clearly political; not law enforcement ones! This is enough to not respond to the extradition of Ms. Meng to the United States…

Without Donald Trump declaration, without the firing of the Canadian envoy and without the spectacle of Monday January 28 gathering US Secretaries to announce Meng criminal charges; it would have been very difficult to convince the Canadian Judge about political interferences in this case… Now the defence of Ms. Meng has enough arguments to convince the Canadian Judge to not respond to the request of her extradition to the United States…

We hope that the Canadian 🇨🇦 Justice will show its independence in administrating a very good lesson of the Rule of Law to all 3 governments abusing of Justice for political motives…

For Canadian and American corporations, if the Meng case sets up a wrong precedent; Canadian and American businessmen and entrepreneurs may become at high risk of being abused by politicians as hostages for their gains… This is something very dangerous for corporations and businesses…

Those of Canadian and American executives who think that the Meng affair doesn’t concern them and will never impact them in one way or another are deadly wrong… There is a dangerous precedent that is being created with this case, which may have many implications for businesses inside Canada and the United States…

Medias have been spreading allegations that the US government has made against Huawei and its executive Meng. We have not seen any independent press investigation on this case to inform the public about what Huawei and its executive say on those allegations… The biased and asymmetric information on this affair is distorting the public opinion on this issue…

What makes America exceptional is the fact that the government is not above the People and its allegations are not taken for the gospel from God until proven in an independent and legal court beyond any reasonable doubt as founded with factual evidence, which court should respect the Constitutional Rights of all parties…

Beyond political interferences in the case of Ms. Meng; the way the US government has been handling this affair is totally unfair by the standards of the US Constitution and laws that require Equality of All under the Law! Why such unfairness with Huawei and its executive Meng? Only God knows…

Meng should hire very skilled legal experts to convince the Canadian juge about the solid arguments for her release. There are even strong precedents that show that she was not and will not be fairly treated by the US Justice because in all of these precedent cases, the US Justice investigated and prosecuted the legal and criminal corporate responsibility of companies involved in fraud; not their executives… Canada 🇨🇦 Justice System is trustworthy enough for having confidence in our Juges… Ms. Meng should better prepare her defense because the chance is very high that the Juge be convinced about her arguments to release her.

Let be clear about Huawei: the risks of abuses from the China 🇨🇳 government with Huawei technologies are not exclusive and particular to the Chinese government only. All governments, including the United States 🇺🇸 one, present the same kind of risks of abuses with any 5G technologies of any equipment maker. Those risks should be addressed with laws and international treaties to manage and lower such risks… Targeting the China 🇨🇳 government with Huawei exclusively will not solve the problem… These are new risks that require new standards, new laws and new international treaties to make all governments accountable and responsible in the way they will deal with these new technologies, which will become vital to the functioning of the human society…



Joseph Kamanda Kimona-Mbinga

Economist, Author & Entrepreneur / Économiste, Auteur & Entrepreneur 孤家寡人 (😊😉😁)