Why Fossil Energy is Part of the Energy Transition Solution Equation in Dealing with Climate Change

Joseph Kamanda Kimona-Mbinga
4 min readMar 12, 2022


The reason why the world feels the pain of energy cost from oil and other hydrocarbons is because fossil energy counts for more than 84% of all the global supply of energy on planet Earth.

This weight of fossil energy is also the reason why the mankind species is at very high existential risk with climate because fossil energy is the main driver of carbon emissions that have drastic impact on climate change.

So phasing out fossil energy with greener alternatives becomes an existential matter for the mankind species. The big question is how to phase out 84% of the entire global supply of energy without making collapsing the entire human civilization given the weight and strategic importance of fossil fuels in the global economy?

Hydrogen substitution of the 84% of fossil energy in the global supply as the main carrier of the energy is the only one reliable and efficient solution in the middle and long term horizons. Because hydrogen energy has the advantage to make fossil energy as part of solution in the energy transition equation. In fact, hydrogen fuels can be the most efficient way of decarbonizing fossil energy by making the production of blue and grey hydrogen greener with the capture of carbon during the process of hydrogen production.

The New Manhattan Project for hydrogen fuels would be the turning point in making the production, trade and consumption of green, blue and grey hydrogen fuels greener, cheaper and more abundant compared to the current 84% supply of fossil fuels. To get there, the New Manhattan Project of hydrogen fuels should make the production, trade and consumption of hydrogen energy financially profitable, economically efficient, socially acceptable and environmentally sustainable. This can be done in making fossil energy as part of the solution in producing greener blue and grey hydrogen as part of the mix of the energy supply with green hydrogen. Here is given the key of the global energy transition, which can decarbonizes the global economy at a pace that lower the risk of climate change by reducing drastically global carbon emissions within timelines of non return points…

Oil prices should not make the mankind forgetting the sword of Damocles on their existential fate face to climate change. If the world doesn’t find efficient and reliable solutions to the energy transition in dealing with climate change; even the feared nuclear apocalypse wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen in comparison to the existential annihilation from climate change destruction. The mankind can survive an idiotic nuclear apocalypse. They will never survive a mass extinction from climate change.

Fossil energy can be part of the solution of the equation of the energy transition in substituting fossil fuels with hydrogen ones. Because fossil energy can be decarbonized by producing blue and grey hydrogen fuels if the process of their production captures carbon. A mix of greener, cheaper and more abundant green, blue and grey hydrogen fuels can substitute the 84% of fossil fuels in the global supply of energy in a timeline that mitigate the risk from climate change by drastically lowering global carbon emissions. To get there, the world should design and implement right now the New Manhattan Project for hydrogen fuels before it is too late…



Joseph Kamanda Kimona-Mbinga

Economist, Author & Entrepreneur / Économiste, Auteur & Entrepreneur 孤家寡人 (😊😉😁)