Reyville Lady Hornets Claim a Close Victory Against Doyle Lady Tigers

Joseph Kelly Scott
The Noisy Cricket
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2019

The Livingston Lady Tigers suffered a close loss, this Thursday to the hands of Reyville High Lady Hornets.

The game was at the Doyle High school gym in Livingston, a home game for the Lady Tigers. The game was very close with each team, only being a few points ahead or behind each other for all four quarters.

Reyville capitalized on Doyle’s lackluster rebounding this game and used that to maintain slight leads and close follow ups to Doyle’s points. All they needed was something to tip the scales, and they got it.

By the end of the night, the Lady Tigers fouled Reyville multiple times. Reyville took advantage of this and creeped their way past the Tigers in points, thanks to free throw shots.

This allowed Reyville to break the back and forth pattern that the two teams had maintained for the entirety of the game. The pattern remained to a degree, but with Reyville’s free throw points, Doyle could not break past Reyville’s few points ahead of them.

The top three scorers were Presleigh Scott, with 29 points, Elise Jones, with 9 points and Kourtlyn Lacey with 8 points. Although Doyle did well scoring, the Lady Tigers had trouble in regards to their rebound game. Scott stated, “We couldn’t block the girls out from getting shots, and we couldn’t rebound. If we would have been able to do that, we might have been able to turn the tides. It was so close.”

The Lady Tigers seemed to be running on empty towards the end of the game. Coach Samantha White stated, “It was a bad night to have a bad game. We kind of played into what they wanted to do instead of playing how we wanted to play. We did not do a good job rebounding, we did not do a good job running, and we just weren’t as fast tonight.”

The game was very contentious with each of the teams playing well. Every quarter was close, with only a few points at most between the two teams until the last minute of the fourth quarter. Crowd energy was at an all time high. There was constant cheering and rumbling from within the gym.

There was a large turnout for the game, with both sides showing a lot of support to their respective hometown teams. The cheers for the Lady Tigers fade out when their defeat was realized in the last 30 seconds. With no hope of a chance to recover from Reyville’s advances, the crowd grew silent, aside from the few Reyville fan’s cheers. Coach White stated, “This was not a game we wanted to lose, not at home.”

