Three Key Steps To Closing A Lot More B2B Sales

Joseph Laforte
3 min readMar 5, 2020


Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

One of the absolute most common questions any young entrepreneur asks is how to maximize the chances of closing a deal

Rapport Is Fundamental

It’s no secret that most people are much more inclined to do business with people they like and trust. When it comes to B2B sales, building a relationship with potential clients is even more important, as it can mean the difference between establishing a long-term working relationship or not.

As such, one of the essential skills for anyone in B2B sales is developing the ability to build rapport quickly. This means not only ensuring you’re on the same page as clients, but also demonstrating a deep understanding of their industry and common issues they face.

Preparation Is Key

As mentioned, having actionable knowledge about your potential client is a primary key to success. You must be aware of and have a solution to the real-world problems they face in their business. That said, building rapport is also about using that knowledge to show them you warrant more of their time.

Not everyone is naturally great at building rapport, but training and practice can make a world of difference. If you can relate to what makes the client tick, you’ll be in the best position to understand what it’ll take to win them over. You must push your workers to adopt this policy as well. Far too many professionals make the mistake of not putting in the necessary research.

Either Focus On Them Or Stick To Your Pitch

If you’re successful in demonstrating an understanding of the needs and hurdles of their industry, most clients will be much more likely to hear out your pitch. They won’t spend all day listening to a drawn-out pitch, though, so be sure to use your time to the fullest. Stay focused on the details of your offer; don’t waste their time with personal information that adds nothing to the sale.

That said, some clients deeply enjoy talking about themselves at length, and you should be willing to let them. You can use this to your advantage by getting a potential client to offer more insight into their wants and needs. Always keep your eyes and ears open for any potentially useful sales information.

Be Strategic About Everything

While a planned strategy won’t always come into play, when it does, it can make a massive difference in a potentially tricky situation. For instance, if you plan ahead, you’ll be much better equipped to steer conversations away from any potential negatives. It’ll also offer a chance to plan out how you’ll pivot the conversation if those topics do come up.


The ability to rapidly establish rapport with a new client is one of the most important aspects of B2B sales. It requires not only an open mind, but plenty of preparation, focus, and strategy to be most effective.

While it can often feel like a massive hurdle, sales are just like anything else, and the more you train and practice, the better you’ll become. If you stay committed to the process and always put your best foot forward, you’ll be comfortable closing B2B sales in no time.

What do you think is the most crucial part of closing B2B sales? How difficult do you think getting started is? Are there any keys to building rapport with potential clients you think we missed? We always love comments to let us know what you think!



Joseph Laforte

Dealmaker, factoring expert, Sales leader at Par Funding , Passionate about helping small business grow and succeed.