Life is a Video Game We Must Level Up In

If we need more of anything, it’s experience.

Joseph Lemuz
6 min readNov 1, 2023
Are you playing competitive or casual?

“That’s just the way it is!”

I’ve heard that so many times growing up. It’s clear that a lot of us have. For me, I pretty much internalized it.

I internalized it so much that I have never even considered the concept of something like growth mindset or abundance mindset to achieve the things I wanted in life. I would be in P.E. class in middle school, believing that I just wasn’t this athletic kid who could keep up with everyone else. So when the activity got tiring and uncomfortable, I would sit out and watch. Friends would come up to me and ask why I quit, and I told them that I wasn’t athletic enough to have fun anyway.

Sounds pretty dumb, right? That’s like trying to prohibit overweight or obese individuals from going to the gym, when they probably need it the most.

But I lived denying the fact that it sounded dumb for several more years, until I was around sixteen years old.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

I began to pick up reading books, something I had done when I was younger because I loved to write. Nothing could stop me from…

