Next Level Game Engine Design

Joseph Rubin
5 min readAug 22, 2018

It was cold and overcast. Not a single face was visible on either side of the heavily-trod dirt road. Tent flaps blew back and forth in the smothering wind, but there wasn’t a single sign of life.

A young boy burst out from a tent, a rough blanket hanging from his shoulders. He was going to be a hero, even if he didn’t understand yet what that meant.

I started developing a game engine one year ago and I’d like to share my story with you as if we were embarking on this journey together, starting from the very beginning.

Of course, when we try to get into the game engine development space, it’s important to think about what’s been done before, and what we can do better.

So let me first explain that I’m talking about a game engine for Android.

Sure, there are plenty of popular frameworks and development kits out there for video-games, but there are only a couple of popular ones on mobile. And another thing: we aren’t looking to build something with a GUI. Instead, when we create a game, we want to hand-code every single line from the beginning to really get a taste of the problems involved and the solutions that we can come up with.

By pulling bytes from the void and weaving them into a perfectly tuned thread of code we have the ultimate control over our app, and we have the smallest, most efficient, and most highly optimized resultant product that is possible to manufacture. I also hope to instill a deep appreciation for true object…

