Let's Think Through It.

Joseph Oche
1 min readJan 22, 2023


When we think through it, we'll identify the waste in the system.

When we think through it, we'll see the non-value-adding activities in it and get rid of them.

When we think through it, we'll see the root causes of the recurring systemic rot and repair them.

When we think through it, that matter may not be such a big deal as it seems.

When we think through it: it might be better to let it go.

When we think through it, we will discover that it's better to do the right thing than not.

When we think through it, we'll see the impact of actions or inactions on ourselves and others.

When we think through it, we'll discover that the solution to the problem is not farfetched.

When we think through it, the pain might be self-inflicted rather than caused by others.

When we think through it, we may only need to take ownership of our responsibilities to fix it.

Friend, whatever it may be, let's keep it in view. What is your "it?" I know my "it."

Let's think through it for the benefit of getting a better result.

