Published inOstrakaHorror and Heroism: Classical Themes in LovecraftLovecraft is well-known for being the most prominent writer, and arguably the definer, of the ‘Cosmic Horror’ genre in the early 20th…Jan 15, 2021Jan 15, 2021
Published inOstrakaGamble Like AugustusWhilst organising the 2019 Saturnalia Classics Ball with my colleague (and now Co-President), I thought, to spice things up a bit, I would…Sep 15, 2020Sep 15, 2020
Published inOstrakaPostulating About PoscaPosca: a drink I personally had never heard of, until seeing a postcard of Roman drinks in the Vindolanda gift shop. It is also not…Jun 16, 2020Jun 16, 2020
Published inOstrakaImperishable Emperors SongHave you ever wanted a slightly-annoying but undoubtedly memorable way to remember a long list of monarchs? Have you ever wanted a…Dec 4, 2019Dec 4, 2019