Human Resources Technology Startups in Stockholm

Joseph Michael
4 min readJan 20, 2017


The workforce is changing fast and so is the process of finding and recruiting talent.

HRTech is the area where innovation meets human resources. This could be VR applied in the hiring process, new digital workspaces, collaboration tools and more.

But the most active area is recruitment.

Here are some of the top HR Tech companies in Stockholm that are innovating in the HR space:


Founded in 2008, Sqore lets you “compete for jobs, scholarships and life changing opportunities anywhere in the world”. The unique angle here is competitions. Instead of a job listing, companies who are looking to hire talent can post a competition through Sqore and find the right recruits based on the results submitted to the challenge.

One of the leading VC firms in Sweden, Northzone Ventures, backed Sqore in 2015 and the company has grown steadily since launch.


Aevy makes it easy to find and connect with talent using a platform that crawls the entire open web to find candidates with in-demand skills, especially developers. The company also offers a chrome extension that shows additional information and email to potential candidates by hovering over the name on a website.

Some of the top tech companies in the world use Aevy and the company has raised a round from one Northzone Ventures.


The team behind Teamtailor have built a platform that allows you to set up a full fledged recruitment site in just minutes. The site you create can easily be integrated into a corporate website and includes every facet in the recruitment process ranging from marketing, selection and funnelling. The backend is a kanban board similar to Trello that allows the recruitment team to oversee and participate in the whole process.

Student Node

The idea behind Student Node is to connect employers and candidates in a social setting through events. A prospective employer can use Student Node to set up an event at their own office. Relevant students and candidates are then invited and selected to these events to get familiar with the culture at the company and connect with team members. This makes talents find employers they might not even have known existed, helping the employers attract and recruit more candidates as well as finding the ones with cultural fit during for example a mingle, case or presentation.”


The tagline of SelfieJobs is “Apply with a Like”. The platform makes it easy for canditates and prospective employers to connect in a Tinder-like format. It implements elements found in popular social apps to lower the barrier for a first connection in the recruitment process.


In their own words: “Auranest automatically registers and updates user accounts for you on relevant job search websites. Never again will you need to register the same information, on different websites, over and over…”. The company has received funding from Bonnier News and revenue tripled between 2014–2015.


Happyr automates many parts of the recruitment process by automatically accepting and sorting applications. The company has an impressive list of clients and I’m sure these types of services — applying AI to HR — will become more popular.


Henry is an intelligent chatbot designed to make sharing team feedback easy. Know how your team is doing, gather project updates and keep an eye on what matters for you team’s success. With Henry you and your team will get a better overview of how everything is progressing, spot issues early and reduce time spent on check-ups.

Other HR Tech Companies:

Yobber, Grow International, Cruitway, Careereye, Vakanta, Just Arrived, Demando.

Job sites for startups: The Hub,

Want to connect and get involved in the HRTech scene? Get in touch!

