Image Recognition Made Easy

Joe Trent
Artificial Intelligence with a Vision
2 min readJul 21, 2016

My buddy and I created this app called Spheares, which is “a service that allows you to label and organize the content that interests you, whether it be something that you create or cool things that you find on the web.”

What that verbose copy basically means is that the app allows you to tag your pictures.

Soon after Spheares was created, I learned about this service, Clarifai, which offers an API for visual recognition.

From their about page, “Clarifai’s powerful image and video recognition technology is built on the most advanced machine learning systems and made easily accessible by a clean API, empowering developers all over the world to build a new generation of intelligent applications.”

Using their API, I was able to quickly build a photo-taking app that also recognized the contents of the selected photo.

I look forward to building more things with Clarifai.

Feel free to click here to see this project on GitHub or here to learn more about how to use Clarifai’s API.

