PinnedJose R Paz CWe are losing a key ally: SilenceBy preserving time and space for ourselves and realizing the benefits of silence, we will communicate better with our inner world and…Feb 24, 202321Feb 24, 202321
PinnedJose R Paz CPlay, Art, and Childhood“History is a child building a sand castle by the sea, and that child is the majesty of man’s power in the world.” HeraclitusMay 21, 20234May 21, 20234
PinnedJose R Paz CinRealMy Bio and What Moves Me to Write on MediumOur lives during the post-World War II were challenging. Less so to what could await our children and expect our grandchildren.Apr 19, 202313Apr 19, 202313
Jose R Paz CIn Search of a Government Model Appropriate to Our TimeLiberal democracy has significantly deteriorated in America and Europe since the end of the 20th century and so far in the 21st century.Sep 20Sep 20
Jose R Paz C3 etapas clave y preguntas que requieren atención para emprender con éxitoLa necesidad de comunicarse con diferentes públicos será cada vez más evidente durante la escalada del modelo de negocio.Sep 13Sep 13
Jose R Paz C3 Conditions for Turning a Face-to-Face into a Win-Win“The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply.”, Stephen CoveySep 11Sep 11
Jose R Paz CTomar decisiones y resolver problemas son dos caras de la misma monedaReconocerlo puede marcar la diferencia entre el éxito y el fracaso en un emprendimientoSep 6Sep 6
Jose R Paz C3 Reasons to Travel to Madrid in SummerEven when the temperature during heat waves exceeds 40 degrees C., the historic center of Madrid offers an unparalleled cultural, artistic…Sep 4Sep 4
Jose R Paz CPara emprender con éxito: ¡Reduce la incertidumbre!Una toma de decisiones objetiva ayuda a preservar los recursos humanos, financieros y relacionales, todos importantes para escalar el…Aug 30Aug 30
Jose R Paz CStaying Silent is (almost) Always an Option to ConsiderRecommended, except for those running for public office.Aug 28Aug 28