Before you post that bad app review

From the developer of that app

Josh Roy
2 min readJul 15, 2022

What is your sole purpose of writing it?

You may be thinking something like, “I purchased this app, and it hasn’t fulfilled my original hopes”. Or it may be something along the lines of, “A crucial feature isn’t working perfectly”. But what you should be thinking is, “I should contact the developer via their app support and address the problem with the developer so that he/she can fix it as soon as possible”.

Believe it or not, we the developers care. We want to know what is causing you problems and we would love to push out an update to fix it!

Personally, I have received a few good app reviews and a few bad app reviews. We, the developers, have worked tirelessly on this app you are using and want you to have a great experience and when we see that you not only are having a bad experience with that app, but also told the whole world that you had a bad experience with it, that hurts.

Publishing a bad app review discourages the developer.

Most likely your main goal is that you want your problem to be fixed. As a developer, trust me when I say this: a message from you via our app support means a whole lot more than writing a bad review on our app. In addition to it meaning more, we are able to reply to you and give you insight on further development of the app/when your bug will be fixed.

In conclusion, instead of writing that nasty app review, send us a message to address your concern.

Odds are, the moment we see that message, we’ll stop what we are doing and work on fixing that issue right away. We love being able to talk to our users and gain insight as to what is good and what is bad. Your message to us with your problem will be fixed much faster and with a better mindset than submitting a bad app review.



Josh Roy

Innovator @ TKS · Building emerging tech projects