The Beginning

Genesis 1:1–3:24

Josh Cervone, LCSW
2 min readJan 1, 2024
Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash

Happy New Year! Today I began the One Year Bible Chronological reading plan. I (along with my church) will be reading through the entirety of Scripture this year in chronological order.

I’ve read through the Bible in one year a few times in my life. It has always proven to be a blessing and a joy (even Leviticus) and I am excited to read through it again this year.

My plan for this publication is to offer my devotional thoughts on my reading each day. The passage will probably be lengthy, but my writing will be as brief as I can make it. I am looking forward to having you join me on this journey in 2024.

Today’s passage was Genesis 1:1–3:24. Now, much could be written about this passage. So much happens within it that entire books have been written about it. Today, we’ll be shorter, I promise.

We open with creation. The author goes through and outlines what God creates on each of the 6 days and then tells us that God rests on the seventh day and names it holy.

In these verses, we see God creating the entirety of the universe. He creates light and dark, the sky, land, sea, animals, stars, humans, and everything else we’ve ever discovered.

Chapter two gives us additional details about God’s creation of humans. He creates Adam first and then he creates Eve because Adam needs a companion.

We are often taught that Eve is created from Adam’s rib. However, the language used indicates that God split Adam in half and then used each half to create an individual person.

Chapter three tells us of the Fall. The serpent arrives in Eden and deceives Adam and Eve into disobedience. They sin and their relationship with God is broken.

God then curses Adam and Eve and the serpent. But within the serpent's curse is hope. God tells the serpent that Eve’s descendents will have conflict with his and that one will come who will crush the serpent's head.

This one is Jesus. He is the one who came and was struck by the serpent on the cross. He is the one who crushed the serpent’s head through his resurrection.

Having just celebrated Christmas, this reminder of Christ’s coming in these first chapters of Genesis is a beautiful look at how the entirety of Scripture tells the story of God’s redemption of humanity. From the very beginning, God knew what we would do and established a plan to redeem us. How awesome!



Josh Cervone, LCSW

I'm a licensed therapist, a local church pastor, a husband, & father of 5. I love writing about faith & mental health @joshcervone on X & Threads