Why I abandoned online data courses for project-based learning

How to develop essential data skills by tackling interesting projects

Josh Temple
12 min readFeb 19, 2019

There’s no time like the present to teach yourself data science, analytics, or engineering. A quick search on Udemy shows over 2,000 results for courses about “data.” People have even compiled their own Master’s degree programs in data science comprised entirely of free online courses.

In my experience as a self-taught data engineer, taking dozens of massive open online courses (MOOCs) is not the best approach. It didn’t work for me.

I didn’t have hours every night and weekend to spend studying. The lectures didn’t feel practical enough to launch me from a non-technical field to a job in data. The projects didn’t usually align with my interests, and course-after-course, I quickly ran out of motivation to continue.

I eventually figured out that project-based, self-guided learning absolutely beats taking online courses — as long as you keep a few guiding principles in mind.

Choose a project that’s interesting to you and requires skills you’d like to learn. As you build each unit of the project, learn the necessary skills to complete that unit. Project-based learning is more efficient, more practical, and more fun.



Josh Temple

Co-founder of @SpectaclesCI, previously @Spotify, @Milk Bar