How do You Know if You’re on a Solid Team? Part 2

Josh Bledsoe
4 min readJan 18, 2018


“I am a member of a team, and I rely on the team, I defer to it and sacrifice for it, because the team, not the individual, is the ultimate champion.”

- Mia Hamm, two-time Olympic gold medalist, and two-time FIFA Women’s World Cup champion

Leaders get us kicked off in a direction. It’s the team that makes it happen. After all, when it comes to executing the plan into action it’s the team members who bring it to life.

Before we, as individuals, have the capacity to perform with and for other people there must be a human connection element of mutual respect.


Is a funny thing. When I think about “Respect” I think about what I’ve experienced from teams and organizations where I’ve felt deeply respected and deeply disrespected.

So this tells me “Respect” is something we give TO others, and it’s a feeling we feel FROM others. It actually begins from a place much deeper than that.

Often times we are perceived by others from our outward character we deliver. A good friend of mine, Doug Stewart, says this about one of Dale Carnegie’s 30 Principles, Principle #5 Smile,

“Smiling is the outward expression of our inner disposition. In other words, it’s the outward evidence of how we feel on the inside.”

This true statement correlates directly to the deeper place I believe respect comes from. Before we can outwardly deliver real, authentic respect to someone else we must first genuinely respect ourself.

Inner respect for yourself begins with BELIEVING what you do is meaningful and truly making a positive impact.

Have you ever felt disrespected by an employee at the Chick-Fil-A counter? I know I sure haven’t. Actually, what’s the usual response you receive from one of their employees after you say thank you? “My Pleasure!”

Where do you think that response comes from? Sure, an argument could be made that they are told to do so if they want to work there. It’s pretty hard to force a genuine smile and authenticity in the voice though don’t you think.

I watched the young, most likely still in high school, Chick-Fil-A team members interact with one another while also interacting with a LOOOOOONNNNGGG line of hungry customers. Interestingly, their responses and interactions were the exact same with each other as they were with the paying customers.

They showed unconditional respect.

Now, I’m not sure how your high school days went. Mine… Let’s just say I didn’t have much respect for myself, nor did I believe I could make a positive impact.

So what makes these Chick-Fil-A guys and gals any different? They aren’t rolling in a ton of income each month. They work in lower positions within the whole Chick-Fil-A organization. What gives them a substantial level of respect?

The same thing I experienced recently in our team meeting…

As customer driven as Chick-Fil-A is it’s evident they are also team member driven. If you watch you’ll see employees treating each other with respect and appreciation, especially when it’s busy, just as they would with a paying customer.

Good teams are made of members who show each other respect. From my experience, especially recently, when respect is given immediately to someone new and unconditionally to people who have been around for a while it acts as the glue of unity. It connects people, even if they just met.

With my expereince of becoming the newest team member on the Dale Carnegie Team, I’ve seen this to be especially true as a rookie. With respect given by veterans, rookies now have a level to live up to. The rookie now feels like they belong, and they would do anything to avoid disappointing their team. They set selfish wants aside for the greater goal of the team. That leads to championships. Just watch Remember the Titans and the power of respect will show itself.

“Teamwork requires some sacrifice up front; people who work as a team have to put the collective needs of the group ahead of their individual interests.”

— Patrick Lencioni

So just as in Part 1, here’s a challenge for you.

Who’s someone you know, personally or professionally, that doesn’t always receive a lot of respect?

Try this…

“Hey _______, I saw you doing (insert something good they did here) last week, and that showed me your level of commitment to our team. I RESPECT you for that!”

That last piece is free, no charge. Just something we teach in a session during the Dale Carnegie Program.

I tip my hat to you for the respect you've shown me by reading this article. Thank you!

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To Your Success,

Josh Bledsoe

Talent Development Specialist

Dale Carnegie Training



Josh Bledsoe

Believer | Blessed husband and dad | Talent Development Specialist at Dale Carnegie Training | USAF Reserve Officer | Better version today than yesterday