Don’t Stop Praying!

1 min readMay 8, 2023


One thing that can keep you humble at any and every time, is prayer. Show me a man who is prayerful and I'll show you a humble man: show me a man who has neglected his prayer alter, and I bet you there is pride lurking somewhere in his life.

One key to staying humble and receiving the divine lifting that comes with it, is to stay prayerful. Pray in season and out of season.

Seasons here don't just mean rainy or dry season, no. It means in good times and in bad times: in your seasons of wealth and plenty, in your seasons of sickness and health, in your seasons of greatness and lowness, in your seasons of power and mediocrity, in your seasons of authority and slavery, in your seasons of righteousness and great iniquity; through all of these, never stop praying. For praying can be the one thing that changes your seasons, ushering you into the next place/phase of your destiny. Remember, never stop praying.




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