Commercial Product Photography | RI & MA

3 min readJul 22, 2022


There are loads of choices for a white foundation and in the event that you will shoot a ton, you might need to get a white range from Amazon. I lean toward a paper clear since clears get messy, and you can just remove the grimy part and roll Product Photography another piece down.A truly modest choice is to go to your neighborhood pharmacy or workmanship store and get some banner board. I’ve considered it to be low as $7 for 10 sheets of banner board.

Make sure to search for unadulterated white as grayish or cream will be more troublesome. My last internet business photography tip to you is to not stop at one photograph for each item. Similarly as your clients look, hold, use, and even take a stab at stock in a store, your site ought to shoot various pictures to mimic this very experience.

Assuming you’re shooting clothing, for example, catch the piece of clothing of dress alone — that is, spread out on a white surface — as well as on a life sized model whose variety differentiates the shade of the item.Then, for extra photographs, have the dress demonstrated on an individual, permitting you to take photos of the item from the individual’s various postures and points.

While you’re lighting with window light, there will be a brilliant side where the light is striking the item and a shadow side. This shadow side will normally be excessively dim thus we use something white to mirror the light once again into the shadow, lighting up it up. Froth board makes an extraordinary bob card since it’s inflexible and white.

On the other hand, you can utilize dark froth board to make the shadows further. This is especially useful in the event that you’re shooting a white item on a white foundation. Adding dark froth board to the sides, right beyond the photograph, behind the item will make a dim edge on the white item. Join a white bob card at the front and dark bob cards in the back for a more modern lighting arrangement.

You can purchase froth board on Amazon or at a neighborhood pharmacy. Remember this is only a white card, so you could possibly adjust a sheet of white printer paper or utilize a piece of banner board all things being equal.A room with windows close to a wall is great. The greater the window, the more regular light you’ll get in. Being nearer to the window will make a milder light with hazier, gentler shadows. Being farther away will give an all the more even light, however with lighter, more honed shadows.

Whenever you have gathered your stuff, now is the ideal time to set up your shooting region. Place your table as near the window as conceivable without crossing the shadow from the windowsill. You’ll need to begin with the window 90 degrees to the right or left of your arrangement. The nearer you are to the window and the bigger the window, the gentler the light will be.

