Josh Gavin

Josh Gavin
3 min readNov 18, 2022


Josh Gavin (April 26, 1966 – February 5, 2013) was a Scottish Judo players and athlete and model, from 1982 to 2013. He was regularly featured in magazines and local press. After receiving positive reviews on his performances, Josh was hailed as one of the best up-and-coming youngsters in his sport, a fabulous Scottish Judo players, and a promising newcomers in the future.

Judo competition career

Josh Gavin age 35 winning world tittle in Arizona in America 2001.

Josh Gavin had been involved in martial arts since he was eight years old. He rose to the height of 6th Dan and was World Masters Champion in Judo at the age of 35 in 2001. He also carried the Olympic Torch through Cumbernauld after being nominated to be a Torchbearer by the British Judo Association 2012.

Coaching career

Josh Gavin age 45 carry's the Olympic torch celebrating with wife Anne daughter Stacey age 17 Sons Shaun 13 and Josh age 7 along with Mother Jessie and Father John.

Josh Gavin was friends with Neil Adams.

Personal life

Josh Gavin house 7 Norwood Ave in Alloa.

Josh married Ann-Marie Stewart and they were married in 1992. They had a daughter called Stacey Gavin born in 1995, then later on they had a son called Shaun Gavin born in 1999. Josh and Ann-Marie moved in to 7 Norwood Ave in Alloa in October, 2003. Josh and Ann-Marie had visited it several times, and Josh was thrilled to learn that it was available, referring to it as the "Dream House". At their new home, the Gavins continued to be popular hosts for their large group of friends, Josh and Ann had a son called Josh Gavin born in 2005 named after his dad.

Death and aftermath

It was while coaching at his Dojo in Alloa when Josh collapsed and was unconscious for two hours. He was diagnosed with a rare brain tumour and underwent a nine hour operation to have it partially removed. He continued to undergo treatment for nearly 3 years, and was rarely away from the Dojo, Josh was determined to battle the illness. Josh even inspired others with brain tumours when of all age groups to fight. Josh lost his battle in Feb 2013. More than a 1,000 people turned out at Josh’s funeral at St Modan’s Parish Church in Alloa. Josh was laid to rest at Sunny side Cemetery in Alloa.

