COVID-19 might just be the answer to your church’s prayers

Josh Hatcher
7 min readMar 18, 2020

I know that headline may seem like clickbait — but the spread of this virus, and the resulting complications might just be an opportunity you’ve never considered.

Churches facing closure over coronavirus must innovate

This pandemic is real.

In the U.S., the situation in response to this novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19 has been constantly mutating and churning, as the CDC, the White House, State, county, and local officials have made new pronouncements and guidelines almost daily. At the time I’m writing this — the current CDC guidelines are recommending that to stop the spread of the virus, we limit public gatherings to ten people or less — but that could quickly change. In some urban areas, there is talk of shelter-in-place warnings, and it’s not far fetched to imagine a more restrictive policy coming from the top down. This morning, a top official told Americans to prepare for 8 weeks of shutdowns and restrictions.

fear over COVID-19 prompts churches to change

Churches are being hit hard.

Last weekend, across the country, many churches, large and small, made the call and decided to either shut the doors, or offer a limited and cautious approach to their…

