Josh Hendler
3 min readApr 25, 2016

In politics, there’s an awful lot of time spent predicting what voters think of candidates. But wouldn’t it be good to know what the candidates think of voters?

Two weeks ago, Purpose Labs launched, with an algorithm that answers the question “What does Donald Trump think of you?”, predicting Americans’ possible fates under a President Trump (many new jobs at Trump Steaks). Since then, we’ve generated nearly 250,000 Trump Scores. YUGE!

Today, we’re taking the next step. Purpose has partnered with Clarity Campaign Labs to answer this question for every voter in Tuesday’s upcoming primaries in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island.

Created by pouring over months of Trump’s hateful rhetoric, an individual's Trump Score is determined by gender, ethnicity, Trump support, sexual orientation, income, country of origin, religion and hand size. Using its background in voter modeling and analytics, Clarity has generated scores on top of a national voter database. Sadly, we’ve been unable to obtain any data about voter hand size.

Based on these individual-level scores, we’ve ranked Tuesday’s primaries based on who has the most The Worst People.

#5: Pennsylvania

PA, Red indicates a lower Trump Score, green indicates a higher score

A mere 46% of Pennsylvania voters are either The Worst People or Very Bad People. And 21% of Pennsylvanians are The Best People. Good for you, PA, a lifetime membership at Mar-a-lago might be in store for you!

#4: Maryland

Red indicates a lower Trump Score, green indicates a higher score

While 54% of Maryland residents are The Worst People or Very Bad People, 17% are The Best People, which might mean a Vice Presidential nod or a chance to become a Miss Universe Scout.

#3: Rhode Island

Red indicates a lower Trump Score, green indicates a higher score

While Rhode Island doesn’t have the most The Worst People, it does win the prize for combined The Worst People and Very Bad People! Rhode Island, look out for your compulsory copy of Trump Magazine. Study up!

#2: Connecticut

39% of Connecticut voters are “The Worst People”

49% of Connecticut voters fall either into The Worst People or Very Bad People bands. Get ready to help build that wall.

And… #1: Delaware

Red indicates a lower Trump Score, green indicates a higher score

40% of Delaware Residents are The Worst People. Trump Resort, Guantanamo Bay might get a bit crowded.

Want to know what Donald Trump thinks of you? Find out at

Full breakdown below:

Josh Hendler

Tech and measurement for social movements. CTO @Purpose, Former @TheDemocrats Tech Chief.