The Seed of Gratitude

Rucha Bhatt Joshi
4 min readMar 19, 2020

In this stressful bustling world of superlatives, we may feel the pressures of conforming, fitting-in and as a result, we forget what we have in those (invaluable) moments, decisions and feelings we call our life.

Being “us” can at times feel like it isn't enough. We often look around at the lives of others and find reasons for why they are lucky but when you look back I guarantee there are at least somethings for which you are grateful, you might even feel that these pale in comparison to what others have, but remember it is your own existence that you must focus on.

Without going to cliche, you cannot judge yourself based on ever-changing criteria set by others; you are a consequence of complex circumstances and situations, of experiences’ which are largely uncontrolled (when you think about it).

While it might be raining in one part of the world the sun shines bright elsewhere, but that is because of relative positional/seasonal climates — can we help that? it’s about learning to dance in the rain and bask in the sun.

The law of attraction seems to be a contagious understanding that has taken great precedence in the lives of many individuals, but sometimes the law of attraction in itself will not be enough.

While ambition and obsession are two separate and distinct words, we are in today's world easily misled into thinking that our obsessions are aspirations.

Obsessions are uncompromising, unhealthy and destructive with a sense of entitlement and a sure way to become toxic is by being embroiled in such company.

By being grateful we keep our perspective clean, we detox our ambition and ensure that it remains a healthy emotion not only for us but those we hold dear.

The law of attraction as mentioned is true, it is the concept that the rich get richer, what we mean by that is if we focus on the good, the good is what we spend our time nourishing, is there then any surprise that the “good get better.” Humility and ambition are at the core of practicing gratefulness.

We must always realize that we are not everybody else, and everybody else should realize that they are not us, and in this is the true beauty of life.

As human beings, we strive for uniqueness, many may interchange uniqueness with perfection and therefore we aspire to be. However, uniqueness is more abundant in imperfection for there are usually more ways to get it wrong and only one to get it right.

No matter who you are, no matter where you are, no matter what your current circumstances, the magic of gratitude will change your entire life!

GRATITUDE is being aware of and thankful for the good things that happen in your life and taking the time to express appreciation and return kindness. Being grateful is more than saying thank you; it’s an emotion. it is more of a compliment to yourself than someone else. When you express gratitude, it can actually lead to a stronger sense of well-being.

For me, there is a certain magic in gratitude, a hidden power, a vibration. Gratitude provides a sense of perspective, it's like coming up for oxygen, without this we are at the disposal of today's unrelenting pursue of perceived happiness.

Gratitude is one of the sweet shortcuts to finding peace of mind and happiness inside. No matter what is going on outside of us. there’s always something we could be grateful for.

Practicing gratitude is a way of infusing positivity into your life, it is something that has dragged me up from my lowest depths and now firmly stands me upright when life tries to bash me. It is the inspiration that I draw from, knowing that everything that I have today and lived through so far is unique and the reason for where I am.

I would like to share how gratitude changes my life and how can anybody change their life by simply practicing gratitude every day.

I think It’s time to put a stop here friends, I really hope you had a good read. I will come back again with another part of the magic of gratitude series very soon.

