3 Ways I’m Using AI to Make Money in 2023

4 min readJun 20, 2023


I’ve used AI techniques for the past year, I’ve used AI techniques to expand my one-man firm.

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Undoubtedly, AI has changed the game.

For instance, I was able to increase my salary by 30% this past year without additional work because of AI.

My business strategy remained the same. I didn’t hire anyone. The only thing that altered was how I employed artificial intelligence to construct a more effective and productive workspace.

Therefore, I decided to reveal some of the ways I’m using AI to generate income in 2023.

1. Youtube

Photo by Szabo Viktor on Unsplash

For some years, I’ve been building faceless YouTube channels.

I currently have multiple channels in various “boring” areas. However, when combined, they result in a sizable monthly revenue from both YouTube Adsense and affiliate sales.

Most of my videos will be relevant for at least a few years. because they are evergreen.

I also make videos about things I can market with an affiliate link, so the videos start earning money immediately, even if the channel isn’t Adsense-monetized.

However, coming up with video subjects, titles, and scripts requires a lot of effort, especially if you’re a solopreneur with a dozen projects on the go.

I began utilizing the Jasper AI writing tool last year to aid in the efficiency and speed of completing these tasks.

I started using the Jasper AI writing support last year to help accelerate up the process.

Jasper can generate video topic ideas, SEO-friendly titles, script outlines, hooks, as well as an introduction.

I can utilize Jasper’s “Compose” tool to fill in the blanks for each portion of my script once I have my outline.

2. Digital Products

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

I’ve been generating simple digital items like ebooks, workbooks, and audiobooks.

Each one is a minor asset that generates revenue for my business.

And trust me, it adds up!

Digital items have always been relatively simple to make and sell, but with the assistance of AI technologies such as Jasper, the process of creating content has become much simpler and faster.

Let’s say I have a concept for a digital “workbook” to help those who are self-employed better manage their money.

First and foremost, I have some knowledge of this subject since I have been self-employed for a long time. I’m not relying on ChaptGPT to provide me with results.

Hot Take: Don’t create AI-powered digital products on concepts you don’t fully understand.

To expedite the idea generation/outlining process, I would use ChatGPT to create an outline for my workbook.

I utilized the prompt: Create a workbook outline titled “Money Management for the Self-employed.”

From there, I can ask that ChatGPT provide content for each area, which I can then revise and alter as needed.

I additionally incorporate my ideas, examples, section headers, paragraphs, etc

Remember that this is a tool to help you, not to replace you.

Then I use Canva to format the content as a PDF workbook.

Finally, I upload it to ConvertKit, one of my favorite platforms for selling digital products, and then run low-cost Pinterest promotions ($.10 to $.15 CPC) to get sales.

This method goes hand in hand with number 1 because you could promote these products in the description or as embedded links within the youtube video itself.

3. Online Courses

Photo by Lewis Keegan on Unsplash

The amazing thing about selling courses as a personal brand (rather than a publisher brand) was that others were able to connect with me personally.

The not-so-amazing thing was that I became really exhausted while doing it.

So I canceled my old online courses and switched to a publisher model.

I still create online courses today as a PUBLISHER rather than as a personal brand. In other words, I am no longer the face of my course.

Nowhere on the internet will you see my face giving a course.

Instead, I build specialized brands around specific themes and then sell online courses in conjunction with the brand.

The process of using Jasper to assist in the creation of an online course is quite similar to the process of creating any other digital product.

It all starts with asking Jasper to come up with course title ideas and a sample outline.

Once I’m satisfied with the script, I might hire a Fiverr freelancer to record the lessons or do the narration for a tutorial or presentation-style video.

Teachable or Thinkific are my preferred platforms for selling online courses.

If you don’t want to invest in your own course site, you may always upload your content to Udemy or Skillshare.

Overall, there is so much you could do. So find something that works for you and stick to it.

I really love this topic and have so much I could share, so if anything stood out to you, leave a comment, and I’ll do my best to write a follow-up.

Also, I’d love to know if you are planning to use AI to make money in 2023.

