Yukta Joshi
1 min readFeb 10, 2020



A life long learner he is
And a crucial mind be his
With a keen vision he grows
A sparky radiance he shows;

Debates, deliberations and extempore
Moots, presentation excites him more
But the competition and exams
Altogether makes him sore;

The books and the law reporters
Claim to be his supporters
The library and the shelves
Are his biggest communicators;

Torts, contract, penal codes extracts from him all
And C.P.C. , Cr.P.C , do not ask,
Further drains him whole;

Substantive or procedural, general or specific
are the law categories
Too much wide to cover
But at the end pays the price;

Over the course of his journey
He falls and gets up
Summons his strength and looks up;

And one day
he looks behind,
Smiles, recalls his ups and downs
And appreciate the downs

Having become a professional prudent
he still says, I AM A LAW STUDENT.



Yukta Joshi

A curious law student | bibliophile | Counsellor| writer| legal researcher | loves public speaking😍❣️ https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=1t1mbze464yk