Yukta Joshi
5 min readMar 14, 2020


India is a country of people’s voice where We the People of India speak, where the ideals of Democracy, Socialism and Secularism pave their way, where liberty, equality and fraternity among the people is promoted and where the dignity of individual and unity and integrity of the nation is protected and preserved. India, which is a country of different colours, different forms and varied outlook is the best instance of unity in diversity. Herein, craftsmanship is explored and expertised. It is a place where the tri-colour flies high and signifies its glory and ideals and where kindness is a deep-rooted phenomenon. Its rich inherent culture and heritage is imprint in the hearts of millions. India, rather beloved Mother India Nurtures her diverse and unique children in varied ways. What makes India so special and unique in the world and attributable to live in? Have you ever heard Mother America or Father Russia or Brother Japan? Well, this brings us to India’s first speciality which is embedded in the kind of people who live here. Indians evince great love and reverence for their mother nation. It is the country where Gautam Buddha was born and where his wisdom and kindness is grounded. Kindness, love and respect is in our genes. Meanwhile, we have the blood of Strength, Sacrifice and devotion. India had a glorious past. It was symbolised as the Golden Bird, but the colonization eventually shattered and shuddered it to its roots. That was the time when a spark of revolution was ignited in people, the slumber was no more, people fought to get back their glory, prestige and independence. All these series of events made Indians strong, United, dedicated and patient at the same time. They saw the bravery, sacrifice and patriotism of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev; truth and Ahimsa of Mahatma Gandhi; courage and devotion of Swami Vivekananda; wisdom and enlightenment of Buddha; love and kindness of Mother Teresa, keen vision and insight of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar; wings of fire of Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam and many more. These luminaries left their legacy and deep imprint in the hearts of millions of Indians. We, Indians feel a sense of vitality and prowess when we remember our heroes and the leading lights. India’s rich culture and it’s spiritual foundational wisdom are its big assets.

The way of life in India changes as soon as we walk from one state to another. It is said that in India, language, culture, tradition and food change every 50-100 Kms. People in different states are Represented by the states which they live in, like in Punjab, we find Punjabis, in Gujarat, there are Gujaratis, in Rajasthan-Rajasthanis, in West Bengal-Bangalis, in Tamil Nadu-Tamilians and so on. The Bhangda Punjabis, the Amchi Mumbai Indians, the foody Indoris, Dilwalo ki Delhi, the fafda-jalebi and garba Gujaratis, the heavenly Kashmir, the idli-dosa and pongal of Tamilians and Telugus and the ghumar of Rajasthanis evince the rich culture and variety and further adds to the beauty and uniqueness of India. Further, No country celebrates as many festivals as Indians do. Be it Holi, Diwali, Christmas, Gurunanak jayanti, Eid, Gurupurnima, Pongal, Dusherra, Mahashivratri, Janmashtmi, Ganesh Chaturthi, or Onam, the list is endless. Indians celebrate all these festivals with the spirit of togetherness. This adds to the distinctiveness and integrity of the nation. Moreover, Indians have a tendency to show hospitality and reverence towards their guests and foreigners since they believe in Atithi Devo Bhava (Guest is God) which eventually make Indians unique and special. Their inherent welcoming attitude makes them win the hearts of many with ease. Also Indians are eulogized for being Jugadu. We come up with various hacks in distinct situations to fix them up. Indians very well know how to utilize a particular thing in different ways so that the thing could be used to its maximum e.g. Belan (roller) is used for many purposes, needless to mention. We fix water taps, switch boards, electric wires by putting on taps and with help of some equipments. This represents the skills Indians are equipped with.

In the arena of development also, India is evolving and Exceling at a rapid rate. No field is left untouched to be exceled by Indians. Be it Science and technology, economy, Military, Agriculture, Trade and Commerce, Industrialization, atomic energy, Sports, Entertainment, healthcare, international relations, political prowess, recognition and protection of Rights of its citizens (including transgender) and what not. We are towards Modernization and Development. Achievements of the Nation are recognised, acknowledged and praised worldwide. India is among the topmost countries in the world in the field of Scientific Research, positioned as one of the top five nations in the field of space exploration. Agni V, Mission Chandrayan and Mangalyan, PSLV speaks per se. Moreover, India ranks 4th most powerful military power in the world and 3rd among the most attractive investment destinations for technology transactions in the world. According to HSBC’s Expat Explorer Survey 2019, it is the 18th best country to live in as an expat. It is far ahead of countries like USA (Rank: 23), UK (Rank: 27), Japan (Rank: 32) and China (Rank: 26). In 2019-20, India occupied 5th position in the top 10 world economies. India is also attributable to live in, owing to its promising atmosphere to strategy a new Business. It provides a great platform in terms of professional development. In 2017, the country ranked 7th in terms of career progression. It offers multiple opportunities and a unique experience that cannot be matched anywhere else. It accommodates and Reward and also make the people (including foreigners) feel home who work for country’s development. India is indeed a humble and favourable place to work and live in. Indians love living in India for they enjoy various kinds of Freedom viz. Freedom of speech and expression, Freedom to move freely within India, Freedom to reside and settle anywhere within the territory of India, Freedom to practice any profession or to carry on trade or business etc. Foreigners love this place for various reasons- variety of food and dishes; colourful place (including colorful and blissful people and their colourful dressing styles); diversity in terms of religion, culture, traditions, languages, topography etc.; easy accessible and affordable services, lower cost of living (compared to U.S., Europe, England etc.) All the above facts indicate that India is indeed a special place to live in. There is something so invigorating about India that Martin Luther King said, " To other countries, I may go as a tourist, but to India, I come as a pilgrim".

We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.
-Albert Einstein

If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions, I should point to India.
- Max Muller (German scholar)

Yukta Joshi

A curious law student | bibliophile | Counsellor| writer| legal researcher | loves public speaking😍❣️ https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=1t1mbze464yk