Classroom Behavior Management Stratgies!

Hardcore Behaviorist
1 min readNov 1, 2018


Keeping and following through on your classroom expectation is key in when it comes to managing classroom behaviors using positive behavior supports. As a teacher do you have expectations for your students or certain ways you want your students to get your attention, but find yourself always re-directing your class when students start blurting out, or yelling your name to get your attention? Well that could be a sign of reinforcing undersiable behaviors and not being aware that you are doing it! Sometimes as teachers we let loose and reinforce undersired behaviors such as students calling out to get our attention. We allow oursleves to get too comfortable, and completly forget about our classroom behavior management plan. Instead of being persistant with our classroom management plan, the opposite happens and we forget about it. This in return leads to a classroom of chaos! We as classroom teachers always need to keep in mind, that if we teach our expectations to our students early on at the beginning of the school year, and re-teach them throughought school year, we can ecpect in return a pretty well managed classroom.



Hardcore Behaviorist

I am a Behavior Specialist, who provides Classroom Management/Behavior Supports school-wide.