ADHD isn’t Fun for Me Either

My introduction to the world of conformity.

Stephanie Ann Grant
Speaking Bipolar
Published in
5 min readJun 6, 2024


Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash

I know teachers aren’t supposed to hate children, but I know I was far from being my teacher’s favorite. I was always getting in trouble without even trying and finding my way in the principal’s office. Usually, it was because I was fidgeting too much. To fidget in class meant committing a high crime, even in kindergarten. You were to sit still, shut up, and pay attention. Absolutely no daydreaming, no thinking for yourself and ABSOLUTELY no writing with your left hand. Yes, I was born left-handed, and there were still teachers out there who thought it would be best to force children to use their right hands.

Then again, I was in a tiny rural coastal Maine school that time forgot. The only thing missing was the dunce cap for kids like me. I grew up listening to Pink Floyd, so the song “Another Brick in the Wall Part 2" resonated with me in retrospect. It was like my elementary school wasn’t teaching us how to think. It was teaching us what to think and to conform.

Pink Floyd's The Wall, MGM Pictures

Starting from day one, public school was a nightmare for me. My first day of kindergarten was the opposite of fun and exciting. It seemed like…



Stephanie Ann Grant
Speaking Bipolar

A mom, married to my best friend (and Marine infantryman!), avid outdoorswoman, writer, author and U.S. Army veteran.