Humor is Healing!

Laughter really is the best medicine.

Stephanie Ann Grant


A writer's joke meme, stolen from social media

I have a coping skill that isn’t unique, and it’s humor. It has a range as well. Since I’m a boy mom, it covers potty humor to high-brow, subtle and dry.

I even love a cute, silly dad joke. In fact, I think I’m more of a dad than a mom, aside from giving birth.

My son: “Mom, I’m hungry.”

Me: “Hi hungry, I’m Mom!”


My father was always funny, and many people say I take after him. He always had a pun or an off-color joke to say. He had a traumatic childhood but never talked about it. As an adult, I’m just learning bits and pieces about his upbringing. He didn’t want his childhood trauma to burden our own. My father always made sure we grew up in the same house. He put down roots and security for us, things he didn’t have as a child. I’m rather sure humor was where he learned to cope with life as well.

Since my father worked at a Navy shipyard, you can just imagine the jokes that circulated from there. Many of them were hilarious but inappropriate for young ears, but we heard them anyway. My father would tell them to us at the dinner table and then say

“Now don’t say these jokes at school!”



Stephanie Ann Grant

A mom, married to my best friend (and Marine infantryman!), avid outdoorswoman, writer, author and U.S. Army veteran.