My API is Misbehaving…

Joshua Hunt
1 min readJun 15, 2017


I tried to start working with the Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) API last night. I used the ‘fetch boilerplate’ we learned about yesterday. At first I got a CORs error. I got some help fixing that, but after that I still was getting an error.

The code that is throwing the error is:

function classSpells(){
var myInit = {mode: 'no-cors'}
fetch('', myInit)
.then( function(resp){
return resp.json()

I talked to a student in the night section and she showed me another way of calling API’s. I may have to learn that format to make this work, not sure yet.I will be seeking some help on this today and report back.



Joshua Hunt

Former chemist, The Iron Yard student, future web developer in perpetual training