Love in the Time of Zombies 1

As the weeks turned into months, Jack found himself falling in love with Jane

Joshua Jones
2 min readMar 17, 2024
Photo by Yohann LIBOT on Unsplash

Once a prominent lawyer, Jack had always believed in doing what was right. He had dedicated his entire life to fighting for the underdog, helping those who couldn’t help themselves. But as he grew older, he found himself becoming jaded. The world was a cruel place, and it seemed like no matter how hard he fought, the bad guys always won.

One day, as Jack sat in a restaurant, drowning his sorrows in a glass of whiskey, he met Jane. She was a single mother, with a wild streak that Jack found both intriguing and terrifying. They struck up a conversation, and before he knew it, Jack had asked her out on a date.

Their first date was unlike any other Jack had ever been on. Jane was unpredictable, and the night was filled with twists and turns. At one point, they ended up at a bar, where they drank too much and danced too long. Jack had never felt so alive.

As the weeks turned into months, Jack found himself falling in love with Jane. She was a breath of fresh air in his otherwise mundane life. They spent every waking moment together, exploring the city and discovering new things about each other.

But as much as he loved Jane, Jack couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. She was always on edge, always looking over her shoulder. And then, one night, she told him the truth. Jane was a former criminal, with a long list of enemies. She had been on the run for years, constantly moving from place to place, trying to stay one step ahead of the law.

Jack was shocked, but he didn’t love her any less. In fact, he loved her even more. He saw the good in her, and he knew that she had made mistakes in the past, but he believed that she could change.

They decided to go on a road trip, to leave their troubles behind and start fresh. They drove for days, through the winding roads of the countryside, stopping at small towns and diners along the way. It was the happiest Jack had ever been.

But then, everything changed. As they were driving down a deserted highway, they saw something in the distance. It was a figure, stumbling towards them. As they got closer, Jack realized what it was. A zombie.

