Fasting for Spiritual and Physical Well-Being

Fasting: Effective Old and Modern Spiritual Practice


The early practice of fasting, (abstinence from food or both water and food for religious, ritual, health, or ethical motive). Fasting can be traced biblically in the book of Exodus chapter 34, of the Bible. Where Moses spent forty days and nights with God on Mount Sinai without food and water.

Fasting throughout the ages was honored by men of great knowledge who highly exalt the absence of food. For example, Benjamin Franklin one of America’s historical figures and founding fathers known for his diverse knowledge. Spoke these words on the method of fasting. “The best of all medicines are resting and fasting.” Fasting for personal reasons is a practice that cultivates healing within the individual’s soul that shifts the person’s attitude or atmosphere spiritually.

Cultures in religious and none practicing religious sectors fast as a practice to either connect with God the Creator. Hence, an approach to freeing oneself from mental distress or regaining focus after physical pain. Some Buddhist monks fast as a practice of self-control and freedom from perplexity.

Throughout the world, fasting is not a foreign practice. It is a universal spiritual weapon any individual or unified group may engage in seeking to change one’s mindset, situation, or surroundings.

Personal Experience From Fasting

Over ten years ago, I lost my home and became homeless. For years I struggled with regaining a life worthy of society’s standard. I lived and slept in the courtyard of churches, parks, on the beach, and in the shrubs in the city of Malibu. I was in and out of shelters all over Los Angeles County. I also lived with family members for a short period. Unfortunately, it did not work out long enough for me to organize my life and transition back into society as a normal functioning citizen. I was not on any intoxicating substance or medication. Life happens to all people, my distress was the homeless experience.

Nevertheless, as I press on daily in what seems like a never-ending despondent situation. Out of weariness, at that time I cried out to God. Days later I started my first fast which consisted of fifteen days. Why fifteen days I truly don’t have an answer, but I know it was an act of personal sacrifice and worship unto God that was not easy. In desperation, I persevered and believed this was my way to receive deliverance from homelessness by God’s mercy.

I recalled clearly how I felt entering the eight-day of fasting. Without a doubt, I was lightheaded and had the feeling I was ascending when I walked. I drank lots of water and kept to myself in the park where I hung out during the day.

After the fast, I believe God honored my sacrificial abstinent from food. My oldest brother came looking for me at the church where I slept at night. With his gracious help, I attained a car, start working and earn money to get me moving upward.

I can attest to events after events I have encountered and experienced based on the aftermath of fasting accompanied by prayer due to humbling myself before the Creator, God.

Why Fast?

Fasting is a humble sacrificial outward discipline that manifests physical results in a person’s life on a personal level, hopefully through God the Creator. Engaging in the sacrificial act of fasting can change and save the lives of many.

One such act is found in the book of Jonah in the Old Testament of the Bible. The people of Nineveh engage in a corporate fast after receiving the devastating news from Jonah the prophet that God would annihilate them and the city after forty days. Finally, Nineveh was not overthrown because God saw their act of humility in fasting and repentance.

Fasting for life, success, and inner peace spiritually and physically.



Veronic on Fasting for Life and Success

Pieces are on fasting for spiritual, physical and mental wellness, overall life success.