joshua aluya
2 min readJun 5, 2020


Programming has become an essential way of solving problems and creating value in the world of today, and we would be looking at various ways in which programming has changed the world;

BUILDING APPS THAT SOLVE PROBLEMS; There are so many problems that we are faced with today. Programming makes it possible to create a way forward and solving these problems, through the creation of applications and algorithms. Without the help of programming, we wouldn't have curbed various problems like instant communication ( texting), spreading of information through social media, availability of health care apps, E-banking, and various others.

BUILDING APPS THAT PROVIDE ENTERTAINMENT; Programming has been pivotal in the entertainment sector. The entertainment sector has been able to expand its horizon. entertainment has been able to reach our fingertips through the help of programming, various apps like Instagram, youtube, twitter e.t.c., it has also helped the entertainment sector to put out content and share various craft around the world. And also in the making of games to entertain both old and young.

BUILDING SOLUTION TO GLOBAL PROBLEMS; For example, in the past, most people find it difficult to get transportation at specific places which makes it difficult for most to get to where they're going too, programmers have made relevant apps that can help solve this problem e.g, uber, taxify and other transportation services. Also with the creation of google which helps in organizing the world's information. In the past, we use to have tedious ways of looking up things and getting relevant information which consumes time and effort but now we could just google it and get all the information we want.

WRITING PROGRAMS THAT WORK WITH HARDWARE; imagine having the ability to control objects around you sounds cool right? after learning how to code you can do just that. we are familiar with robots it's not only the wiring and building that makes them function, but they also have to be given functions in forms of codes because that's what they understand, that's not possible without the knowledge of programming.

Programming has made life easier in so many ways we can not imagine, and is still pushing to make more technological advancements and success. It's highly recommended that if we are looking for ways to change society and create new inventions learn to program and make your ideas into reality.