The French Toast

Josh Dages
2 min readJan 4, 2024

In college we had a large circle of friends that hung out together. It was amorphous — which I loved — because every activity had people I knew well, and not so well. Sometimes it would be a half dozen car loads heading to play lake hockey, and sometimes it would just be four or five (or ten) of us going to dinner.

One time in particular, a group of us packed into cars and headed to a friend’s parent’s place for the night. Generously, that friend offered to make everyone French Toast in the morning. an impressive feat considering there were about 18–20 hungry college kids sprawled out over the floor.

But there she was, the next morning, plowing through loaves and loaves of bread making us a not-so-easy breakfast dish out of the goodness of her heart.

The problem was that when it was served, it was… inedible. If you’ve ever seen the cinnamon challenge online, you can guess where I’m going with this.

Now, I’m not that picky of an eater and I like to remember that everyone’s tastes are different, but when I got my plate, it was essentially a bread flavored slice of cinnamon. I ate what I could and politely declined seconds.

But here’s the reason you give people the benefit of the doubt. Today, that woman is a successful multi-cookbook author with awards and TV show appearances, and I got to be part of her learning experience…as a lab rat, but still…

Just goes to show you, never judge a cook by her cover…ing…of cinnamon…

