Adopt These Two Habits and Become Fearless Overnight

Joshua Hudson
5 min readFeb 14, 2018


“Black and white shot of lion facing camera in Eskilstuna” by Frida Bredesen on Unsplash

In this short article, I’ll show you the two habits you can start adopting TODAY that will give you courage and turn you into a fearless entrepreneur in the shortest amount of time possible.

What’s the worst that could happen?

People who appear “Fearless” often ask themselves this question: “What is the worst outcome of doing this thing that scares me?” And even more often they ask themselves: “What is the most likely outcome of doing this thing that scares me?

You see, your brain has a knack for self sabotage that can make even the most trivial tasks seem impossible. Little things such as:

  • Asking your professor that question that you don’t know the answer to
  • Recording that video and posting it on YouTube to grow your Channel
  • Putting down your drink to finally talk to that cute girl or guy
  • Making a sales call to a new prospect

A few of those things (especially the talking to the cute guy or girl) can leave someone completely frozen with fear. Perhaps upon first glance, you considered those tasks massively difficult yourself; however, when you begin to take a closer look at the right questions, you realize all of these things are very easy.

Let’s take talking to the cute guy or girl as our lead example since so many men and women alike suffer from approach anxiety — the fear of approaching and interacting with a stranger you find attractive… Imagine This:

You’re sitting at the bar, sipping on your preferred beverage, and you stop looking at your phone for a moment to glance over your shoulder in the direction of a noise you heard. You accidentally and briefly lock eyes with someone you find attractive. You want to talk to them, but for some reason you can’t put your finger on, you don’t.

“I’m not scared… but talking to them would be weird.” You tell yourself. You begin conjuring excuses in your head that match this weird feeling — none of which are logical by any stretch of the imagination. But in the end, you DON’T to that person because of some feeling that stopped you.

But did you ever take a moment to ask yourself, “what’s the worst that could happen?” You might have. But did you ever REALLY Think about this? In depth? Unemotionally? Logically?

Without emotional baggage, really think about the following question from a logical perspective for a moment: If I walk up to someone I find attractive, and talk to them, what is the worst case scenario?

If you think really hard about this, you’ll realize that the worst case scenario is REJECTION! The fear of rejection is a dibilitating phobia that holds so many people back in their lives with so many things other than talking to a cute guy or girl.

But now, in the same light of logic, think about this questions: If this person rejects me (the worst case scenario), what happens?

REALLY THINK about that question… Do you know what logically happens after someone rejects you or turns you down?


Not a damn thing changes in this world. The world keeps spinning, the sun will still rise, and no one on Earth will remember what happened. In fact, the state of your existence is technically identical to what it was before you talked to that person. Think about this very logically; in fact, let’s do some math:

  • Let’s say that at the given moment you’re at the bar, your “level” (a combination of happiness, fulfillment, experience, knowledge, and more) in the Game of Life is 173.
  • You see someone at the bar, and don’t say anything: Your level might still be around 173 — but likely even lower (more on that in a minute).
  • You see someone at the bar, you approach them, and they nicely reject you or turn you down: Your level is almost certainly still 173 because nothing changed! Think about it… You did not have that person before. Now you still don’t. Nothing Changed!
  • You see someone at the bar, you approach them, and they become your good friend or a significant other: Your level is 220 now!

When you do this simple math exercise, you realize that there is ONLY upside in taking action in the direction of your desires. Rejection in relationships or sales alike means nothing, and you can only benefit from moving forward into what your brain tricks you into thinking is scary.

Learn how to do this logical math that is much smarter than your emotions. Learn how to ask yourself, “what’s the worst that could happen?” and start living a more courage, fearless, and more fulfilled life.

Time Heals All Wounds… but Not Really

Whether I had sprained my ankle or just suffered an emotionally taxing breakup with a girlfriend, my father would always say to me, “Time heals all wounds.” Physical wounds, emotional wounds, and even spiritual wounds; my father’s philosophy was that if you give any wound enough time, the pain will dull and it will heal itself.

But he was wrong.

There is one wound I have found that never disappears with time; in fact, it only gets worse with time… What is this wound?


Regret is a wound that lingers and progresses. It’s a poison that makes you sicker over time. And there’s nothing that can be done to heal regret because it’s a mental scar, stemming from a decision you made in the past that can NEVER be changed (because it happened in the past).

When you realize this truth, you also realize that regret is the most painful of all feelings. And it is significantly more painful than the brief and illogical pain associated with failure.

So, what’s worse than failing on a sales call or getting rejected by that cute girl or guy? The answer is… the REGRET of never asking them in the first place.

The pain of wondering “What IF” is so much worse than failure, and once you realize this, you will try to avoid the pain of regret, and it will push you towards taking action in the direction of what you truly desire.

Get What You Want…

While to many it may seem you are a courageous person taking on a dangerous adventure, when you adopt these two habits and take action in the direction of your heart and goals, you’re bound to achieve those goals and finally get what you desire and deserve.

