@JetSetFly Quote: “How you make other’s feel about themselves, says’ more about how you feel about yourself — than it does, them.”

Joshua Madrid
4 min readApr 15, 2020


So many of us think about “the facts” and how much we feel they align with our own feelings, that we often neglect everyone around us & justify our inconsiderateness/wrongfulness with “well what about my XYZ?

If I can’t have XYZ then no one can” mentality.

You never know what people are going through.

Don’t neglect someone else’s perspective because of your inability to see your own losses, challenges or setbacks as an opportunity for growth👨🏽‍🦯🧑🏼‍🦯

When we judge, assume, or sabotage someone else’s situation or ignore someone else’s emotion’s in attempt to serve our version of what we believe is correct, makes sense, “fair” — we just end up shooting ourselves in the foot and preventing our own success & ability to love 👟🔫 ⠀

You’re not rejecting other’s when you do this. ⠀ Strong-developed minded winners won’t be fazed🥊🧠

You may remind weaker minds of their own insecurities, but you ain’t telling them something they don’t already believe deep down⛑ ⠀ When you try to make someone else feel unimportant….. or if you never make others feel important — you’re actually EXPOSING HOW insignificant YOU feel — you feel good keeping other’s down instead of LEVELING UP!


  1. Become worthy 💎
  2. Contribute to something bigger than you
  3. Look in the mirror & tell yourself “I take 110% accountability for all I have & want” ⠀

There’s not a SINGLE recurring issue in your life, that doesn’t start with changing your perspective. ⠀ Law of attraction states LIKE attracts LIKE ⠀ So if you want people to believe in your goals & dreams, start by instilling belief in theirs.

If you want to feel appreciated, show ppl appreciation. ⠀ If you want someone to invest in you, invest in others.

If you want to be listened to, start listening. ⠀ If you want to be mentored, be a mentor ⠀ If you want to be loved, start loving. ⠀

If you want people to know you, start getting to know ppl ⠀

Want people to support you, be the first w/ a helping hand. ⠀

You don’t get to LIVE your DREAM LIFE — you have to LEAD it ⠀ #2DAYS #hardknocksuniversity


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And on a final note, if you want to learn more about how to set up your own social resume Instagram (or any other mobile social platform) without having to start from scratch, but rather using proven concepts from some of the largest influencers and marketers today.

I encourage you to check out www.ClickMyLink.Bio or http://SocialResume.me

Look at their tools and paid softwares that will do the hard part for you and have been tested and proven as well as go much more in-depth in training inside of a motivated community designed to hold you accountable as far as actually creating your Social Resume and evening a professional website from scratch, with the possibility to add funnels that can give your business and brand compounding growth over time.

We open special discounted promotions to register for about once, maybe twice per month for just a few days — so go check it out and get started if it makes sense. Especially if we are having a promotion, there will never be a better time than now.

You can join our free community here: http://www.jetsetfly.co/app

Find Josh King Madrid here

JetSetFly https://jetsetfly.co/me can be found on his snapchat @joshkingmadrid & his Instagram @jetsetfly stories daily documenting and highlighting what it’s like to be an up-and-coming business leader, CEO and public figure in today’s digital world.

Instagram: https://jetsetfly.co/ig

Podcast: https://jetsetfly.co/dd

TikTok: https://jetsetfly.co/tik

LinkedIn: https://jetsetfly.co/in

Twitter: https://jetsetfly.co/tweet

Facebook: https://jetsetfly.co/fb

Snapchat: https://jetsetfly.co/snap

Website: https://jetsetfly.co/me


▶︎ DAILY BUSINESS & MARKETING VIDEOS → youtube.com/c/JoshKingMadridjetsetfly/subscribe



Joshua Madrid

Joshua Madrid commonly known as @jetsetfly or JETSET, is a serial entrepreneur, marketing consultant, millennial thought leader & speaker.