How “Doing Nothing” Changed my Life

2 min readJun 23, 2022


A man smiling in true happiness
Photo by: Charles Etoroma

As we keep ourselves busy with work, cleaning, and other activities, we are not allowing our minds to relax.

While keeping ourselves busy may make us feel accomplished or productive, prioritizing this has its costs. Before, I always thought that cramming in random tasks for me to do was the best way to improve myself.

Although it has helped me become more productive, I rarely set time aside for my mental health.

I was forcing myself to work all day long, and became burned out and unmotivated to do any activity. As I became less discouraged in working, I became discouraged from meeting new people, taking care of myself, and even taking breaks.

Yes, I felt discouraged to take breaks, which replaced my free time for more work.

Most of us feel guilty about taking time off of our work, we feel like we are not accomplished and lazy when we do so. I thought the same way, until one time I decided to sit in my room with no technology for about an hour. Yes, I sat in my room with no light, no technology, nothing, for an hour, and it has changed my life.

For the first time, most of my brain fog disappeared and I had more clarity.

And why is that?

It is because I finally let my brain process thoughts that I have been shutting off. I became more aware of the present moment. I began to focus on the small things in life and was more appreciative of the things I already have.

I became more grateful

A happy woman jumping in joy
Photo by: Dmitry Shamis

This is the art of doing nothing

As I became more consistent with this, I began to achieve more and more benefits. These benefits ranged from better focus to even better sleep, I know, it’s incredible!

And you can start with as little as 5 minutes. To do this, all you have to do is set a timer for 5 minutes with no distractions and think.

Let your mind have a chance to think; trust me, your brain will thank you after the 5 minutes are up!

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High-schooler| Articles about Fitness, Health, and Self-Improvement| Goal is to share my ideas with my audience!